Donut Showdown!

I love this show!! It makes me crave donuts. All that is wrong with it, is that I can't eat the donuts they make.

I've learned so much. Donuts have to be fried.


Is this show broadcasted in the U.S.? I never heard of it before. Whenever I see donuts, I crave them but if I eat them, well lets say they are good going down but then I spend the next 24 hours feeling like I have a brick in my stomach.

I will never let you part, for you are always in my heart: MJ
turn to page 394: Snape


It is on the Cooking Channel. Perhaps not everyone has access to that.

It is a donut making contest. The contestants are pastry chefs, a lot of whom own donut shops. The challenges are to incorporate an unlikely ingredient into donuts, like chili powder. And make donuts to a theme.

Not all of them are successful, but it is fascinating to a donut lover!


I never bothered to watch the Cooking channel before, I'll have to check it out. I'll probably drool all over myself. Thanks!

I will never let you part, for you are always in my heart: MJ
turn to page 394: Snape
