MovieChat Forums > Superheroes and Villains > A "Masters of Evil" movie from Marvel? (...

A "Masters of Evil" movie from Marvel? (SPOILERS)

I'm glad Baron Zemo survived CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR. Fingers crossed for a MASTERS OF EVIL movie someday. Sadly the only other surviving villains I can think of are Abomination, this supposed true Mandarin mentioned in ALL HAIL THE KING, I guess Justin Hammer counts, and maybe Samuel Sterns if he's fully progressed into the Leader. Would still like to see it, though.

The Leader should also appear in a mini-Avengers film loosely based on WORLD WAR HULK. It might be the closest we'll get to an INCREDIBLE HULK 2.

And I wouldn't overlook the possibility General Ross will turn to the dark side. Maybe not in a Red-Hulk kind of way, but in a way he thinks he's doing what's best for his country, despite doing horrible things.


Not a solo movie but if Thanos doesn't force Loki to gather a Masters team in the follow up to Infinity War then for sure they will be the threat in Avengers 5.
