MovieChat Forums > Games: Trivia and Quiz Games > OUR FILM LIFE - Part 4


I'm trying to put something together and you playing along will help me enormously.

I have seen the degree of knowledge and love for film from so many of you so I'll try this little experiment.

This is how is going to work;

I divided the task in blocks, from Friday to Friday

You will list your ten favorites in every category. Up to ten, they can be less but no more. To force us to really think because without actually thinking I could name 50. No, 10 is the number. You can make comments if you wish or explain why this are your choices.

You list yours and send. You don't have to carry the postings of the previous collaborators. Your post will be uniquely yours also because I may have to write to you directly.

One posting per collaborator - I know you may want to root for your favorites but let's try to have a clear vision of which are the films of our lives.

The first category was comedies followed by musicals, then war films, the new one is Hitchcock films - we treates as a category in itself


01) Notorious
02) Psycho
03) Rear Window
04) The Birds
05) Vertigo
06) Shadow Of A Doubt
07) The Man Who Knew Too Much
08) The 39 Steps
09) The Lady Vanishes
10) North Bu Northwest


01) Rear Window
02) The Lady Vanishes
03) Strangers on a Train
04) The 39 Steps
05) Dial M for Murder
06) Shadow of a Doubt
07) Psycho
08) North by Northwest
09) Saboteur
10) Foreign Correspondent


01) Psycho
02) Notorious
03) Marnie
04) Rear Window
05) The Birds
06) Vertigo
07) Shadow Of A Doubt
08) Strangers On A Train
09) The Man Who Knew Too Much
10) The Paradine Case


01) Psycho
02) Rear Window
03) Notorious
04) Vertigo
05) Shadow Of A Doubt
06) North By Northwest
07) The Birds
08) The Trouble With Harry
09) Rope
10) Dial M For Murder


01) Marnie
02) Psycho
03) Rear Window
04) Notorious
05) The Birds
06) Strangers On A Train
07) Lifeboat
08) North By Northwest
09) Vertigo
10) Frenzy


01) Psycho
02) Rear Window
03) The Birds
04) Psycho
05) Vertigo
06) North By Northwest
07) The Man Who Knew Too Much
08) Notorious
09) Rebecca
10) Strangers On A Train


01) Rear Window
02) Vertigo
03) Notorious
04) Marnie
05) North By Northwest
06) The Birds
07) Psycho
08) The Lady Vanishes
09) Shadow Of A Doubt
10) Rebecca
