MovieChat Forums > Fashion > What are the worst shoes anyone can wear...

What are the worst shoes anyone can wear out?

Hands down --- I vote " FLIP FLOPS !!! "

Otherwise known as thongs. The old fashion thong is the worst shoe anybody can wear out in public. Especially if they make that popping noise they traditionally make.

In my opinion, they are worse than sandles with socks. They are worse than uggs (which I like), and they are worse than crocs (which I like). They say to me, "I just don't care enough to even try." And they look ugly and tacky on everyone. Even those with great legs.

That is my opinion. What do you think?


definitely crocs.. i have no idea why anyone would even buy those


Yes, a lot of people feel that way. But not me. I love crocs. First, I like the way they look. Secondly, they are so comfortable. Thirdly, they are extremely functional. They are easy to get in and out of. They have arch supports. They are waterproof. And they are quiet. (They don't make any annoying noises, or damage floors.) (I am talking about real crocs. Not the knock offs.)

Of course, it depends on which color is chosen. (I am a guy. I like the camouflage for myself.) And like most fashion chooses, they are only appropriate at certain times. In other words, extremely casual.

I use them as bedroom slippers. And around the house. I walk around my home barefooted in the summer. When I need to to go outside, I just step into my crocs. In the winter I wear socks. I can take them off so easily. I wear them around the pool (waterproof, easy to take off and put on). Or in the rain. Even for quick trips to the store.


I never actually heard an argument to why someone would like crocs lol
And yes I love shoes that are quiet. I hate how some heels and boots make such loud sounds and draw too much attention to yourself -_-


Well, as a guy, I like when women's heels make noise so that I know when to turn and look. I assume that is a design function for women trying to be attractive. As in, not just visually attractive, but audibly also.


And this whole time I thought guys looked at me with loud shoes because the sound annoyed them -_-


No, they are looking at you because guys like to look at women. So, walk loud and proud with you loud shoes because we love it.


I hope that's true since that's more positive way of thinking
it's just that when people stare at me i get nervous because I dont want to trip or something and they see me lol


I can certainly understand that. But that is all part of the irony of women. Men have complained forever that women go through all this trouble to be "attractive". But when they do "attract" attention, they (some) don't seem to like it.

On the other hand, it is not polite to stare. Men are not supposed to be "staring" at you. That is rude and certainly uncomfortable. But sometimes your beauty is so amazing that we don't realize we are staring. We are in awe. It is like we are in a trance.
