MovieChat Forums > Politics > Trump is losing so badly it's embarrassi...

Trump is losing so badly it's embarrassing.

I almost feel sorry for the Clown. His presidency so far has been a total disaster. The worst American president in recent history he's simply horrible. But with all of his Bluster and all of his lies who didn't know this was coming. Everyone thought he was going to be more presidential. Now he is what he is a loud-mouthed rude dumb stupid buffoon. And a total loser a total loser with absolutely no humility. Who will lie straight to your face and not apologize for destroying your life. The man is sick sick sick.


Yada, yada, yada ...

Blah,blah,blah ...



You, feel EXACTLY like I do. I keep hoping that he will start being more Presidential


"More presidential"? He's actually become LESS! :P


Nice sentence fragments. Only thing missing is the grunting.


He'll be gone soon. . . .. .


how soon?


Unfortunately, not soon enough.





I hate him! The sooner he is gone, the better for all.


26,031.81 +181.18 (0.70%)


26,788.70 +35.53 (+0.13%)


You really need to quit talking about Obama. You're embarrassing him by mis-naming him. And turn off the news. Last thing you need is a bunch of talking heads thinking for you.


The worst president of the post-WWII era was Obama. He took over the honor from Carter. Trump is definitely unpresidential, but so what? He's the only check we have against the lunacy of progressivism.


“Presidential” basically being a liar.

If you don’t like someone you lie and pretend you do.

If you believe something different than what your focus group tells you to say then you lie and agree with the focus group.

Bill Clinton was a master at this. His wife tried but like everything else she attempted, she failed miserably.

Biden does this constantly. He stands for nothing. His track record of flip flopping and plagiarism shows it. Just another worthless career politician who’s never accomplished a thing.

Trump says what he thinks and does what he says. He’s the most transparent president in history. He doesn’t have to be so-called “presidential” because he’s not a career politician. He doesn’t need the job. He has a real job in the real world making 10’s of thousands of people millions of dollars. He’s personally created jobs for 10s of thousands of people. He can’t be bought. He paid for his own campaign. He uses his knowledge and real world experience to lead the people rather than being puppet who’s lead by focus groups, polls, and donors. Because of this he’s one of the greatest leaders the country has seen. Because of this he’s greatly feared by the democrat media, Washington DC establishment, and globalist establishment.

The best part of this post is it’s now over 2 years old and it’s just another reminder of how ignorant the left is.


Trump let McGahn do over 30 HOURS of testimony - 30 hours!

"Trump tweeted that he allowed McGahn to do the interview and "demanded transparency so that this Rigged and Disgusting Witch Hunt can come to a close."

Huh, a man with something to hide would never let his counsel loose for a 30 hour fishing trip, now would he...


He's sure hiding them now! lol


How many more 40 million dollar partisan witch hunts do you propose he go along with?

And why?

Grow up.


Not 40 million. Fake news

More like 26, and well spent when that lying con man gets locked up.


Which won't be from THIS phony dossier-carrying faux investigation, so COPE!

Oh, the price?
According to Mueller’s expense reports filed through September 30, 2018, the Russia investigation had cost $25 million. Assuming that the costs incurred by the Mueller investigation stayed roughly on the same pace, the Mueller probe’s final total is likely to be $32 million to $35 million.

Much closer to 40 than 25.

But hey, why quibble over chump change when you traitors have a border wall to try and defund, right?


the dossier was a very minor player in the Mueller report


That's a damned lie.




I did read it - now YOU do so.


This did not age well


Correct. He is a disaster. All he has going for him is Obama's economy on autopilot. What does he do with it? Lowers taxes for the wealthy, incites anger from North Korea, institutes tariffs that blow up in our face, wrestles with Bolton over Venezuela, and now bends over on war with Iran so the Neocons and MBS and Netanyahu can take us all for a ride.

Only people as stupid as the alt-right would consider W Bush 2.0 as making America great again.


[quote]Obama's economy on autopilot. {/quote]

Another LIE.
Writing in the Wall Street Journal, former CEO Andy Puzder claims that Trump easily wins over Obama when you look at the numbers:

“For eight years under President Obama, the growing burden of government suppressed the economic recovery that should have followed the recession of 2008-09. Mr. Obama nonetheless has claimed responsibility for today’s boom, asking Americans in September to ‘remember when this recovery started.’ Yet it wasn’t until President Trump took office that the economy surged. … The result is a rising tide that is lifting boats across every class and region of the country. … Today unemployment rests at 3.7%, near a 50-year low. Since the government began reporting the data, unemployment has never been as low as it is today for African-Americans, Latinos, Asians and people with only a high-school education.”
It’s certainly good news that unemployment rates have dropped. But labor-force participation numbers still haven’t fully recovered, or even come close to fully recovering, so the data on jobs is not quite as impressive as it sounds.

That being said, Puzder has a compelling indictment of Obama’s performance:

“During a typical recovery, the economy grows at a rate between 3% and 4%, and the Obama administration predicted such a surge in its 2010 midsession review. It never came. The ‘recovery’ of those years often felt much like a recession.”
Amen. This echoes my criticism of Obamanomics. He made the U.S. a bit more like Europe, so it’s no surprise that growth was weak.
Let’s now look at Puzder’s evidence that Trump has done a better job. He compares the end of the Obama economy with the beginning of the Trump economy:

“GDP growth staggered along at 1.5% in Mr. Obama’s final six full quarters in office. … growth doubled to 3% during Mr. Trump’s first six full quarters. …


Only people as stupid as the alt-right would consider W Bush 2.0 as making America great again.

But low energy Jeb was banished from the adults table, so...
