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ANNOUNCEMENT: Why do you use the Title Reference View?

Hi everyone,
We are in the process of evaluating the popularity of many of the features across IMDb. While overall usage is small, the title reference view has a number of diehard fans, many of which are our longtime users. To help us understand, if you use this page, why do you use it? What does it provide that the main IMDb title page doesn’t have?

For a bit of background, here is IMDb’s current title main page

Here is the title reference view page (which used to be the main IMDb page prior to 2010)

If both of these pages look the same to you, at some point your account was updated to make the “reference view” your default page. You can change this by going to “Site Preferences” and deselecting the “Show reference view” checkbox.

That said, for those who use the reference view, I’m very interested in hearing why. What is missing from the main title page? What would the main title page need to make you switch back? One downside of the reference view is that the data on the page is often 1-3 days out of date. If you use the reference view, I’d love to hear why.

IMDb Staff


Why do you use the Title Reference View?
by IMDb Staff Member nicb2011
IMDb member since May 2011
Mon Jan 16 2017 13:04:18
While overall usage is small, the title reference view has a number of diehard fans,
many of which are our longtime users
For a bit of background, here is IMDb’s current title main page

Here is the title reference view page (which used to be the main IMDb page prior to 2010)
- - -

Most of the 71,380,000
new users do not know about reference view page
and do not use it

22,624,185 Users Fri Jan 1 2010
- - -

IMDb member since April 2000

I look up titles and people here everyday and use the old
Site Preferences
[x] Show reference view (old title/name page layout)

I do not want to see the many photos for

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= = =

Much cleaner page view
few small photos top of page - click to see more
Menu on left side !

- - -

Do not see a "Page Updated" Date ?

This is on the Contributors Help Board
and those that visit IMDb often
but are Not Contributors
May not read this

  


I also use the old reference view, mainly for rhe same reasons as ACT_1. It is much cleaner, gives a better overview and is not too cluttered with photos, etc.



I use, whatever I'm using, because I want no part of..."see more".

I want to see it all (cast-crew) when I open the page.

When I clicked on the first example link , it is the one I use now---no "see more" crud.It seems to have changed recently, with a lot of bally-hoo about one thing or another on the right side of the page which I think used to be displayed differently which I don't pay any attention to no matter where it is or was...because what I want to see, as a contributor, and not as a tourist or user or actor, is in the middle of the page

When I clicked on your second example, it was the cruddy..."see more" page, which I've never used.So, based on what you wrote (if I understand it and I may not)I got updated but nothing changed?

But if I got updated,I still don't get instant acceptance when I submit data (well I do get instant acceptance, but I don't see it until about three days later)...but do get almost instant acceptance with anything I do regarding photos.

What I don't want to see, as a contributor, is the IMDbPro page.Or, anything resembling it, such as all those bells-and-whistles, and stop-the-presses media-social happenings telling me Leo brought in the New Year in both NYC and Australia,and those awful BIG BIG photos(I know how to click and enlarge any picture I want to see and I see a lot of them now with photo contributions and corrections.)

Hope 2017 is as great for you and stays that way, as mine has been and projects to be.



Hello Nic,
I use the reference view because, like many of the others who have answered, I want to see all of the cast & crew at once and not too many ads & other pictures (the few thumbnails are fine)

I use the IMDb just about every day and I'm not bothered about it often being 1-3 days out of date. I know that you'll catch up 

No "See more" links all over the place
I know that you make money from ads but I never click on them so they're pointless for me
I just gives me the data and I can then search in page for exactly what I want

I actually get when I click on gives me "See more" links all over the place. I would have to click on all of them to see everything

I am using a 100Mbps cable connection so speed of loading a large page isn't a problem

I have the Site Preferences set as:
[ ] Hide theater showtimes
[x] Always display full cast and crew credits
Title display country: Original
Title display language: English
[x] Display credits separately for Movie and TV
Number of TV episodes from the same series to display: 50
[ ] Hide "Recently Viewed" items
[ ] Hide television listings
[x] Show reference view (old title/name page layout)

It suits me and I'm used to it



It is much cleaner, gives a better overview and is not too cluttered with photos, etc. Yes, and with the margins being empty, the central column where all the information be presented is wider, kind of making the page easier to read.


I actually get when I click on gives me "See more" links all over the place. I would have to click on all of them to see everything Me too.


One downside of the reference view is that the data on the page is often 1-3 days out of date. What about "combined"?


In November 2015, in a discussion on the GS board,
Col Needham wrote that the Reference view would (eventually) be
"... retired and replaced with an equivalent data-centric view ...."

Is that eventual transition still planned?
Will users and contributors be invited to evaluate and comment about
the new "data-centric" page design before it is finalized?
