
I am surprise about people who can write a book in 15 days to three months, do they train with a tape audio like Siri for exemple that can write for them ?
Thank you


No. When you understand the discipline of writing, and have stories to tell, you can write as fast as you can type... For me it's 90+ words/minute.

When you think about it, one can write 10 pages/day double-spaced, 12 or Ariel type for 15 days and write a novella of 40,000 words.

It's a matter of discipline and love of storytelling.

Becky D.


A lot of novelist use dictation software so that they can write up to 5000 words an hour. There's actually a book called 5K words an hour (or something like that) that teaches you how to do this.

Outlining is important if you write like this, though.

