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Stop with the Star Wars sexism

I am shocked about how many Star Wars fans are irked about the fact that there are female leads in the films Episode 7 and Rogue One. This is the best they can do is be misogynist. Daisy and Felicity are incredible actresses and to knock them like this is a joke. C'mon, watch the movie and review the story and not what gender was involved. Anybody remember Ripley or Sarah Connor. Female leads are cool and Gal Gadot was awesome as Wonder Woman.

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Might as well shut down the internet, eh? As much as I disagree with all the rampant internet bullying, racism, sexism, etc. on these forums, that BS brings balance. It also lets you know that these people exists out there, and who to avoid.

Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


Let me ask you a question... From a pure marketing perspective, why would a studio - who wants to make money - put a female lead in both their flagship and chief auxiliary movies when the core audience of the franchise is overwhelmingly male?

From a traditional POV, that makes little sense,the data says Males prefer Males for action and adventure movies. This is not sexist or misogynistic, its preference that is scientifically established. So why go against the data, the history, and common wisdom?

Well, we have to look at the NFL, and their brilliant marketing team (brilliant from a money making perspective). They figured out that men will maintain a strong brand loyalty (NFL being the brand) despite a perceived drop in the quality of the product. With this knowledge they came up with a plan to keep their core audience while purposefully moving away from them and cater to the fringe of women who could be potential viewers. They adjusted the rules, refocused the marketing to the female market, and although men did not like it, they remained loyal.

This new, now proven marketing strategy became the basis for the casting choices in the new Star Wars films. Cast female leads to attract the small female fringe, while relying on brand loyalty to keep the majority male core audience. That is perceived by some as very underhanded and manipulative. Its a money making loophole that the core audience sees as a betrayal. Taking advantage of someone because they show the admiral quality of loyalty, is usually considered wrong, especially when its just used to make a little extra cash.

So this whole thing about casting female leads is not about freedom for women, its about money. The supposed backlash against women being cast for the leads, is not about women, its a reaction to those who are selling out their favorite franchise for - you guessed it - money.

This marketing scheme of putting in female leads in otherwise male orientated films will continue to be the norm. There are already a few films slated for release this year, that are doing it. For a male its emasculating, for a female its not really empowering either. So it benefits no one but the studio's bottom line. There is no gender equality when you pit one gender against the other. So please understand the truth of what is going on...


Man whatever...Star Wars always appealed to me because Leia kicked major ass. Anyone who got a problem with ass kicking women in Star Wars movies must not like any Star Wars movies.


Technically a veteran is one who served in combat. So while I think we should respect all who volunteer to serve our country, not all our technically veterans.


When you say, "female leads are cool" are you not being hypocritical to your own argument of sexism? One cannot say that any specific gender is "cool" without coming across as sexist. We should never promote XYZ over ABC, because we become exclusionary in doing so, let the free market competition for a role begin and make the best actor win.


Sadly, there is far too many who care about the Politically Correct perception and Hollywood is all about the PC point of view. They even will have a plot that becomes overly and overtly preachy, to get their message across.


I just can't get my head around the idea of someone getting caught up on whether the character is a certain race, gender, sexual orientation, whatever. I literally don't even notice, I just watch the movie and take in the story they're trying to tell. Feels like more not seeing the forest for the trees.
