MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How does china not have a vaccine yet?

How does china not have a vaccine yet?

If I heard correctly on the news they don’t want to use western vaccines.

I know we owe china money or they owe us money, so the relationship is better than Russia..

We rushed or vaccine process where ever they were made, I’m not sure..

Why couldn’t they rush theirs?


Who cares? Vaccines are mostly bullshit.


This is my moment to shine.

Is statistics bullshit? or maybe your opinion of the mainstream tilt?
When you vaccinated a whole country with strong Christian population, yeah I understand the panic over it. It wasn't that big of a deal. If they don't want to vaccinate ask yourself if they are christain or not. Lol
Shutting everything down definitely caused the inflation and other stocking goods issues and that pissed everyone off but I don't think we are going to be communist in the future.

I think you're a bot trolling me and I'm gonna say my rose mary prayer now.


They do have a home-grown vaccine - but apparently it's not as effective against the Omicron variant as some of the western vaccines. They also appear to be behind on their vaccination rate which you'd think would be easier in an authoritarian state?


they seem more interested in controlling people than vaccinating people. not surprising.
