MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why Do Some People Dislike Cats?

Why Do Some People Dislike Cats?

Some people seem to have a certain dislike for our feline friends. Why do you think this is?


They either don’t understand them or they are allergic. For example, I grew up with only dogs and didn’t really know what to do with them until my sister brought one home after graduating college. Now I want a cat for my next pet. They are so chill and very low maintenance.


This, low maintenance, is why I adopted two cats instead of a dog. At my age, I don't know that I could keep up with a dog. There's also the issue of needing to walk a dog during snowy, icy wintertime. I'd be concerned about the possibility of taking a tumble.


Cats are wonderful companions and nowhere near as needy as dogs.


Yep, very independent-minded.


They seem standoffish and reserved. Like they're too good enough for you or something.


Because they can suck out our souls while we're sleeping.


Cats are ingrates, unlovely little shits and too much work

A glue trap for a sneaky mouse is all you need

The only thing cats are good for is vermin control and I'm good at that without scooping shit everyday


If you think about its actually easier cleaning up a liter box for a cat instead of picking up after a dog in a backyard.


I don't hate cats but my family are a bunch of allergic types...Here I am knocking myself off with Kool 100's and booze but the
rest of them are allergic to dumb shit including cats
Crazy world we landed on!

I enjoy dogs
The enthusiasm and loving attitude of a big dog is quite sweet, but I'm Daddy and Husband so I know who the poor fucker is that's walking it and picking up the thanks



My Grandpa on my dad's side didn't like cats or dogs. He'd never allow one in his house. He was very stubborn though mostly cause he lived durring the Great Depression and had to work in a coal mine at age 12 to support his family. I myself prefer dogs but I live in a place that doesn't allow pets. Not by choice though. There's very few affordable apartments where I live that allow pets.


I love all animals in general but I kind of get the aversion some people have about cats because I had my own bias..

I'd been primarily ' in the doghouse' until my Mom left me her 2 cats....and I found that they're not exactly what I expected.
Cats are far more affectionate than I expected and far more needy ....but in a different way. They're extremely selective in who they share themselves with and can be bratty if they don't get their way (beware of restricting them from a particularly area, for instance. They don't care).

Probably the most disorienting thing about them is their lack of expression. Dogs openly display happiness or sadness but cats are a regular poker face. You can't read them.
That leads some people to believe they don't have feelings or that they're little sociopaths.


Cats are sneaky. You always know where you stand with a doggie. There’s not a scintilla of guile in a canine.

A dog is the only love that you can actually buy.

Now, if this topic is about Cats, The Movie . . . there’s every reason for the opprobrium.


I agree. That's why my dogs have always been like my family and cats always felt more like a guest.

And, in my experience, cats really are not less trouble...(unless someone hasn't the time for walks or spending time with your dog)


They haters.
