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Is it ethical to send Earth lifeforms to Mars?

Aside from the many dangers Earthlings may face in space travel, there is also the issue of contamination: we do not want to adversely contaminate Mars with Earth life (forward contamination), and for any possible Martian life to adversely contaminate Earth (backward contamination).

I say "adversely" because we want to ensure the life of one planet to cause excessive harm to the ecosystem of another planet (i.e. Earth bacteria can multiply on Mars and possibly compete with and destroy Martian life, and vice-versa.)


A pre-emptive strike is just smart business
Let's bombard Mars with small pox and the Spanish Flu...We can't be too carful!


On second thought...yeah! That also sounds like a good strategy!


I'm all about totally awesome strategies!
It's quite impressive over here in my lab👍


The ethics have been debated for years. The bottom line is that , in order for the human species to continue, another world is required. Mars exploration is a first step.


Yes, but what about the welfare of the Martian ecosystem (if there is any?)


The Martians could drive for Uber and carry the very heavy packages out to my, win..?


As long as there isn't intelligent life involved, IMO that is totally a non issue.


There is absolute proof of life on Mars. it's been shown on TV.


I think that footage may have been faked


That same Martian got a job as a high school teacher. Video PROOF:


I'm glad he found a full time non-alien job...Hard working immigrants are very important!


No, there isn't. Beware your source , especially when it comes to science. Truth can actually be quite boring , and various "news" sources fabricate, speculate, and exaggerate to impress audiences, especially when it involves the question of alien life.


You did not even look at the link because (a) you are closed minded or (b) you are a Martian, trying to hide your planet of origin.


Sorry. Thought it was a post from someone who thinks Ancient Aliens is a science program.


There are no indications that there is currently any life on Mars. There is no atmosphere.


I wonder is somewhere out there some intelligent beings are having a similar discussion about earth.


No, it's fine. There are always risks in every explorations. Being too afraid of risks would only makes us never explore anything.


We will end up sending people chosen on the basis of Political Correctness and diversity, these people would be more likely to allow themselves to be eaten by some weird Martian plant than stomp on it. Mars will be fine, the people we send, meh...


There's an idea ... send the wokes to Mars! Every time we send one there it would raise the average IQ on both planets.
