MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Though there has been a lot of railing a...

Though there has been a lot of railing against the recent push towards eliminating gender identity

It sure makes learning certain languages like Spanish a heck of a lot easier.

Yes I’d like to enroll in Non-binary Spanish 101 please.


Do you really want to bring this up...Ahhh Gender Identity, something even us liberal people have trouble with.


No se, Senorx. X mundx esta locx ahora.

See much easier!


mi amigo y yo vamos a la biblioteca


Dios mio!


Thats the extent of my spanish, my french is a tiny bit better.


Puedo ir al bano (can i go to the bathroom) is all I have learned from my three years in spanish.


I don't think that this will have an effect on language.


German has three genders 😬


They have four cases too.


This is why my German is not good.


The grammar bit will make German difficult for many people.
But if you practice long enough, it is not impossible to get it.


That’s the problem, unless I’m visiting Germany, I’m not going to have the occasion to use it.


How progressive of them. They’ve come a long ways!


Actually, it's the opposite. "Lenguage inclusivo de genero" is a pain in the ass. It doubles every name, adding a female version. And sometimes even a third neutral made-up neutral gender adding a final "-e". Instead of "nosotros vamos a la playa", in Gender Inclusive Spanish it's "nosotros, nosotras y nosotres vamos a la playa".

Does that sound like a joke? Well, here you have an article from a famous Spanish writer mocking how that language was used in an official law:

I love the final sentence: it's said that a squirrel could cross Spain up in the air without ever coming back to the ground, just hopping from moron to moron.


Lol that’s crazy. I’m just going to learn Esperanto. At least then I can talk with Captain Kirk.
