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Recent Movies Tommy Wiseau Should've Directed

Tommy would've made every one of these more entertaining.

1. I'm Thinking of Ending Things - You think things got weird in that house? They could've (and should've) gotten a lot weirder.
2. Hillbilly Elegy - This movie had a lot of yelling, but it wasn't very entertaining. Nobody does entertaining yelling better than Tommy.
3. Horse Girl - If Tommy and the Horse Girl had been nude together in the fabric store it would've been more fun for everyone and I bet the customers would've cheered.
4. The Devil All the Time - Not enough guys tossing the football in this one. Also, Edward Twilight's character should've been played by Tommy.
5. Tom Cruise's MI-7 Rant - Actually, I think Tommy did direct this one.


You say this like Tommy Wiseau shouldn't be directing every film ever made.


I can only imagine the magic that would've been created from Tommy Wiseau Presents...Ma Rainey's Black Bottom.

Would Tommy have insisted on showing his white bottom?


Probably. He showed his white bottom in "The Room".




TENET. Tommy would've easily made that movie without being confusing. Also, Edward Twilight's character should've been played by Tommy.


Denzel's Washing-son: "How does all this time travel stuff work, exactly?"
Tommy Wiseau: "A-hahaha, don't wurry about it... Sometimes you can feel it. Anyway, how is your sex life?"


This brief exchange would've made the movie a trillion times better.
