MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How do 🇦🇺 feel about China?

How do 🇦🇺 feel about China?

Since the country has more of a economic connection. China seems to be bulling it around, threatening to shut it out of trade.

An American would like to know.


I have a very nice tea set made of china.


The people are okay, but their ChiCom Leaders are a bunch of fucking bastards!



Well I am having mixed feelings. On the one hand China is giving Australia a much needed reality check on how it stands on the world stage next to China. Australia stands up and mouths off about what China should be doing and China kicks our arse in return. China buys one third of our exports and they have the power to knock the shit out of our economy. So we have a choice to make, namely do we eat humble pie and say yes sir no sir three bags full sir to China can we please have your money again ? Or do we take the hit to our bottom line and tell them to fuck off ?

Kow-towing to tyrants is not a good strategy in my opinion. So personally I think we should tell them to fuck off in no uncertain terms. And then our politicians will have to learn to stop wasting money for a change.


But Australia also demanding Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, and maybe NZ to kow-tow to them? How about tasting your own medicine?


Why don't you stick to threads about superhero movies ? Judging by your moronic contribution here that's more your speed.


The US, despite its rhetoric, hasn't left off of massive China imports.

the developed world is addicted to those cheap, cheap products fueled by that cheap, cheap chinese labor.

it seems to me like China isn't going anywhere but up. they have been so smart it about, too - drafting off of the free trade policies and pax americana, making the world safe for Chinese economic expansion.

in the process, they get to play good cop until they don't need to.


Next time I see some gold, I'll ask it.


Australia is like the annoying yet adoring little brother. We like to look up to and latch onto any country we think is "number 1" originally that was England and then America. Which at least are similar cultures.

For the last 10 or so years though it has been China. We even had a Prime Minister who had a hard on for China and in the state of Victoria where I am, we have a Premier who wants to sell us out to China because they are willing to in true loan shark fashion lend him as much money as he can choke on.

Our educational institutions also lust after Chinese students and in turn adopt policies that are harmful to Australia.

I could go on but you get the point.

It's always bad to depend on someone else and especially put all your eggs in one basket the way Australia has with China. China is not a friendly country, they wish to dominate that is obvious.

I think ultimately, unless China go to war, they will lose though. I have been hearing this morning that China have doctored a picture of an Australian soldier to make it appear that he is killing an Afghan boy, it's very amateurish and bullying.

I saw an interesting news report this morning as well where they were saying 20 years ago China didn't make up a big part of our exports. I think this will encourage Australia to be more self sufficient and I don't think overall that most of our politicians are willing to bend the knee to China.


I trust China about as much as I trust North Korea and Russia

That is to say not at all but I do like egg rolls and inexpensive plastic forks from Walmart...that's all they are to be trusted with


China should be facing more ramifications for unleashing this virus.

I want NATO lead courts investigating if the virus is man made, how it got out and how it spread so fast?

China needs to start writing checks to every country.

Also very frustrating that everything is made in China


a terrible government. the people have to stop eating crap and spreading viruses.
