MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I drink a gallon of water everyday. Is t...

I drink a gallon of water everyday. Is there a real benefit to this or.....

Am I just pissing off my kidneys (no pun intended)? I've been doing this for about 2 years now. I've noticed my skin looks clearer but could just be placebo effect.


You must be big. Sounds like your trying for water intoxication. But be warned, you won't need to worry about waking up with a hangover if that happens.


"You must be big." That's what she said. ;)

Hmmm. As I understand it, water intoxication happens when you drink a large quantity of water within a short time frame (i.e. within 2 hours). I spread it out throughout the day. Hasn't been an issue.

I'm 6'0 and weigh 208 pounds. I don't know if that is "big" but I am trying to lose 10 more pounds for my goal weight.


I’m 6’2 - 220 lbs and I work outside, so during 90 degree summers like last one, I drink almost a gallon of water during a workday. I don’t think your drinking too much even if your not sweating a lot.


Your about my size then. And I drink lots of H2O as well. But a gallon does sound excessive. Water intoxication kills. At least from what I've heard, it can cause hemoraging in the brain.


It's been 2 years for me now and my brain is still intact (I hope!). ;)


I think your calculation us off. I think it would be tough to consume a gallon a day.


Well I average 6-8 12 ounce bottles water a day and not because i try, it because I’m that thirsty. I thinks that’s under a gallon. It’s usually hot sun, exertion and sweating which would be a factor.


Yeah, most people aren't even close to a galloon a day. I bet most people get less than a litre a day.


There is guy in my cousin workplace who drink water All day so he can take many toilet break, and he just drink more and more water so he can have longer longer breaks

But even though these boss guys suspect his plan to get away from work, they cannot stop him because you cannot say 'stop it, stop drinking water now' because of peoples human rights

So this guy just get to go for toilet breaks and do what he want, like use his phone, or read a book, and no one can stop him.

My cousin think this guy is genius type guy and says he will also use this plan one day, but not in this workplace because would be too obvious


LOL. How long is a toilet break anyway? Like 5 minutes? How is that an issue?


I don't know but he is big guy who drinks big water, and now because covid, he has to wash hands and take longer than before getting mask ready and stuff like that. So maybe a long time


Lol. I used to work with a guy who would wait to come to work to do number 2. We called it his vacation enrichment program because it equaled like 83 hours within an entire year.😃


Lol I did that too when I was an office worker. But not because of the break time, but because the lavatory was way better there, and I don't need to clean my own toilet or buy TP as often.

My work was counted by the hours I'm in front of computer (I was a programmer) so it doesn't matter as long as I achieve the minimal amount of hours each week. Realistically, I was in office basically day and night anyway. More hours = more money.


So you did it on purpose too???? I’ve thought all these years that it must be extremely uncommon!


Well it was my second home, so.

There were so much entertaiments too, library, even a small cinema (more like a home theater, or should I say, an office theater), a pool table, videogames, etc.

That's what you get for lots of crunching lol. When things weren't even close to be finished near deadlines, o how everyone basically lives there 24/7.

But to be honest, I liked it tho'. So hectic and fun. It's just when I got married, that's not the life I want for building a family so I quit.


This guy’s name is Mario and we used to call him Mario Speedwagon.


I’m not sure if that much is necessary or not depending on your activity level.


Too much water is not healthy. Overhydration is actually dangerous. It can cause an imbalance of salt and other minerals in your body. It can be fatal.


That's way too much, and yes, you're overworking your kidneys.

A gallon = 16 cups, which is twice as much as the classic rule of thumb (8 cups of water a day), and even that old rule of thumb has been misinterpreted by most people. It doesn't mean you should literally drink 8 cups of pure water per day, it means your total intake of water should be about 8 cups per day, and much of that will come from the food you eat. For example, cooked meat is around 65% water, so if you eat a 1-pound steak, that's over a cup of water right there (10.4 ounces). Most fruits and vegetables are around 90% water, with some being as high as 99% water. So if you're drinking a gallon of water a day, plus the food you eat, that's something like 20+ cups of water a day, which is ridiculous.

In any case, you don't need any guidelines because your body has a built in mechanism to make sure it gets the amount of water it needs; it's called "thirst". Drink water only when you're thirsty and you'll be fine.


I had to convert gallon to metric but I think it is too much. I have had kidney stones in the past and have been told to drink 2 litres (half a gallon) a day to help prevent that happening again. Too much water can cause it's own problems.


That’s a lot! I strive for 3 litres, which is just over 3/4 of a gallon. It’s what the beauty advice people suggest. It’s supposed to help the body detox, plump up the skin soothing out wrinkles somewhat, add a glow to the face, keep unnecessary snacking and overeating down and other health benefits. You’re a lot bigger than the average woman and so I’d think a gallon sounds safe enough.

I find it difficult to get past 2 litres and that’s not including my 2 cups of coffee or my huge smoothie or the H2O in food. I just feel so full and then I have to go find a bathroom if I’m not at home.

Do you have to keep getting up to pee at night? Or do you cut off drinking early?


I drink water like crazy when the temperature is elevated, just naturally. A gallon does seem like a lot. Have you been generally healthy over the time? I have a notion that a lot of mystery illness is actually just dehydration caused by people simply not drinking enough water.
