MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Nearly Christmas……again….when will it en...

Nearly Christmas……again….when will it end?

Not only will I have to endure my sister who is a massive controlling bitch (don’t ask), also have to endure the tacky music, mostly lame movies, tacky decorations and all that festive bollocks all over again with people making everywhere into a sort of pseudo winter wonderland.

I'm just bored of doing the same old thing every bloody year.

Can’t our cultures that celebrate Christmas…..not celebrate Christmas for once and come up with a new thing?


Boy I tell ya. I never had kids and after my parents died, Christmas just up and disappeared out of my life.


You grinch . Stop trying to steal Christmas


I love Christmas but for you this might be a good year to start a new tradition of not going to your sister's place for Christmas? What would you like to do instead?


it's not THAT bad.

so you sing a carol or two.. just spike the punch and you're good to go!


It's a Liberace Christmas!


My grandma went to her grave with a gigantic crush on Liberace...We never filled her in😁


Christmas is great, even just getting a day off of work is nice isn't it?

I have a kid so I very much enjoy it. Love watching his excitement opening gifts.

And my parents still insist on hosting it and always make a huge prime rib dinner I look forward to annually.

But to your point if I had a family member I couldn't stand I wouldn't like it either. I can see how am annoying sibling cam be even more grating during a holiday.


If you don't want to celebrate it, that's your choice.


Your life, your choice as to what to do at any time. Why whine about it and air your personal garbage in public?
