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Anybody here actually been diagnoised with Co-Vid19?

Or know a relative or close friend who has?

I know sometimes when I get a cold I can remember how and where I was (where I thought anyway) I had gotten it.

Almost sometimes like I can feel it entering my body...

Any ideas where you think you might have obtained it?

How bad was it for you or your relative/friend?


Yes I had it back in April and picked it up at the local supermarket. I had a moderate dose of it which is to say that it got into my lungs and gave me some difficult nights over five days. I had to breathe more deeply because I wasn't getting as much oxygen in. That was okay while I was awake but when I slept I would wake up out of breath.

But I didn't seek medical help and after three weeks the worst of it was over. If I had gone to a doctor I likely would have ended up in hospital. So I was lucky and it could have turned out differently.

In my own experience it wasn't as bad as a dose of influenza although I had lingering effects from it in my lungs for about four months but am more or less back to normal for me now.

My symptoms were as follows:

- First three days a little diarrhea.

- Next five days feeling weakened and brain fogged with a little bit of being off balance on my feet.

- Next day I felt great. Full of energy and thought I had beaten it. But that night over about an hour I started to feel increasingly unwell until I turned shivery and quite unwell and had to go to bed which is a recliner chair for me. Soon after that the breathing problems started.

- The breathing problems persisted for five days off and on. During this phase I was quite weakened and had to be careful about how I used the energy I had. Cooking, eating, going to the toilet, showering and a lot of lying down to rest. I made sure I ate three meals a day because it boosted my energy levels. I also had a bit of a sore throat and a bit of a cough during this time but no coughing fits.

- Then was the slow process of recovery which as I said took months really.

I have to add that I didn't get tested for it so I don't have definitive proof but as you can see it was pretty much a text book case from my symptoms so I have no doubt I had it. April in Melbourne was when the second wave of COVID-19 infections took off.


Good for you!

What a well thought out answer. So glad your okay :)

Big smiles...

Why didn't you seek medical attention? Was it a money issue? Or a creating some sort of drama in the family unit?

How long was it before you went back to work?

Q: When would YOU recommend people get tested for covid 19? I don't see anything about a fever.


Thanks ! I am retired and live alone. In my life I have spent a good deal of time in hospitals and I don't like them. And if I'm going to die I would rather do it in the relative comfort and privacy of my own home.

Q: When would YOU recommend people get tested for covid 19? I don't see anything about a fever.

I am probably the wrong person to ask because I am against lockdowns and think people should wear masks, wash their hands, go about their business and take their chances. But speaking as if I were responsible for a family I would have them tested as soon as any of the symptoms arose. Just in case.

I think I had a mild fever when I got the shivers but I wasn't sweating.


Did you fear you would give it someone else?

If so, what precautions did you make.

...What makes you think you caught it at the Supermarket?


No I just quarantined myself at home. I had to go once to the supermarket for supplies so I washed my hands before I went, didn't touch my face, kept my distance from people, didn't speak, cough or sneeze.

The supermarket was the only place I went to that week of getting infected and I didn't see anyone else in that time.


I'm glad your okay and doing well.

I'm sure everyone here is big smiles that your okay :)

Good information.


Thanks and your welcome.


"What Makes You Think You Caught It At The Supermarket"?

Goosebumps? Weird feeling on your skin? Did you walk out with the cart thinking something different?


No nothing like that. I think I picked it up there because it was the only place I could have picked it up. I didn't go anywhere else, didn't see anyone else.
