MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > If women were as horny as men it would s...

If women were as horny as men it would solve 75% of society’s problems

Think about it


Stop whining and go visit a hooker.


That would interfere with his busy schedule of dining alone and complaining on a movie forum about being a virgin.


Women are as horny as men. Some perhaps even more so. They just don't want us to know for sure. Boy have they got you fooled lol. Women just like messing with us men. It's like a recreational pursuit for them. They're just testing are wits. They want to see if we will waiver from our impulses and condascend to please them. However, chances are if you do they won't be pleased, they'll be secretly thinking "what a wimpy ass push over".


Actually men have higher testosterone. But this is another silly thread that removes emphasis on more meaningful threads.


Yes, but testosterone does more than just fuel libido. It's necessary for other reasons, like growth, healing and providing us with that Male spark. By "spark" I'm referring to additional strength and agression. That's just naming a few of it's attributes. There's probably more I don't know about.


Women are indeed the most intriguing mystery. Thankfully we have people like moviebuff to not only have the answers to the riddle that is women, but to solve 75% of all problems society faces. Bravo lad!
One question. As a woman that enjoys sex pretty regularly with my boyfriend only, does this new world plan mean that I have to put out any time any random fellow wants? Equal share for the boys like you that can’t get laid but wish to procreate and solve world hunger?That would at least solve the rape and other sex crime issues, right? Good thinking man.


Yeah exactly with your boyfriend. For guys who simply want casual sex it is mostly unattainable, because of what I’m saying. I’m glad you like fucking your boyfriend, I’m sure it took him some serious work to get you to that point, and if it didn’t you are the exception not the rule.


Sooooo... what you’re saying is? Fuck it, nevermind. Is this real life?😆


Holy fuck. Did he just say that your horniness is a result of work that your boyfriend put into you???? Hahahahahahahhaha hahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahah ahahahahahahhahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaha......hahahahahahah hahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Girl, I feel like a whole lot was said there that can be left to the reader’s discretion. Carry on moviebuff.


I was trying to avoid commenting on this post as it's just too ridiculous, but that did make me laugh.


Was it a deep belly laugh or was it more of a manic, crazed ‘I can’t believe I’m reading yet another one of these threads’ laugh?


It was more the second.


I guessed as much 😉


I mean this in the nicest way possible. You're pathetic.


Piss off


Hey! I was being nice!


As nice as possible, anyway.

I mean, how nice can you be, to a person who thinks that the biggest problem in the world is that women have too much control over their own sex lives.


How DARE them!


"I’m glad you like fucking your boyfriend, I’m sure it took him some serious work to get you to that point"

Dude. Gross.

I mean there are so many things wrong with that statement. Why would you say that to someone?

Are you taking the piss?


He's channelling his inner David Brent.


I didn't have to think about it. I can tell just by reading the subject who's posting.

There are a ton of message boards out there that avoid talking about movies and instead focus on meaningless frustration.


But, he’s giving the people what they want: -
Your ‘Fav films of 77’ thread - 2 replies.
My ‘TV / film spin-off’ thread - 2 replies.
‘Horny women’ thread - 49 replies,


With other words, you think you would have a better chance at getting laid...


So, I guess I'm not the only sexually frustrated person here?

I don't know whether I should feel good or bad....


Women control dating and sex. We as guys are lucky if any skirts look our way.

