MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > CLOSED ***Baker's Dozen: Movies with the...

CLOSED ***Baker's Dozen: Movies with the word “DOG or DOGS in the title.***

No repeat titles with different years.

1. A Boy and His Dog (1975)

My brother's 13-year old dog died several days ago.

See if your proposed Baker's Dozen topic has been previously used here:
WHOEVER POSTS THE 13th ENTRY GETS TO START A NEW GAME. You can reply on your own list. Post only one example at a time with a Reply to the Original Post. If you can, copy & paste the previous posts, adding your own. People tend to take turns, so others have a chance to post. After 13 valid entries, edit the title to begin with CLOSED. The creator should avoid making the 13th post. WAIT FOR YOUR TURN!


1. A Boy and His Dog (1975)
2. The Truth About Cats & Dogs (1996)


All Dogs go to Heaven.


1. A Boy and His Dog (1975)
2. The Truth About Cats & Dogs (1996)
3. All Dogs go to Heaven.
4. Dogs (1976)


5. A Dog's Purpose (2017)


6. Alpha Dog (2006)


7. A Dog’s Purpose


Already used for #5.


Dog Day Afternoon
Dog Pound
Reservoir Dogs
My Life As A Dog
Wag the Dog
The Plague Dogs
Devil Dogs of the Air
Dog Gone Love



We only cite one movie at a time in this game so everyone gets a turn


Sorry bro, but kukuxu did four.



He was listing the previous 3 users
entries and adding his own title, players periodically do this during a game to keep some semblance of order (sort of as a favor to everyone)


Hey MonStar, why don't you think up a new topic as this one was compromised

Sorry to hear about your bro's dog, I know that's a real gut punch buddy



Looks like this topic went to the dogs. Groan - I know that was so bad.
