MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > It just seems really NOT COOL to always ...

It just seems really NOT COOL to always have this site keeping Hitler in view.

What is the deal?

As some of the Internet sites around the country are starting to realize they are being used to promulgate hate and negativity, why is it that MovieChat doesn't step up to their responsibility and investigate this?

Who is doing it? What is common in their activity? New accounts? From the same IP? From the same ISP? Originating in the same country?

Why is it important for MovieChat to ignore that Hitler is starting to look like the brand? Seriously MovieChat, behave like adults and look at this without the laziness or just ignoring it. It is not a cool thing to come here and always see Hitler.

So you think Google would allow that for a second in their front page? Facebook? Twitter? Amazon? ... and any other website?

Grow up and grow a pair and protect your brand as a serious website ... or just say you are part of Breitbart, or 4/5Chan or some other fascist revolutionary brand?


Really the least they could do is keep it on the site and just prevent it from being on the front page. I would just get rid of the Hitler page all together.


that is a technical issue, and in most cases where I have had interaction with MC's management or their droids I don't see a lot of consistency or seriousness in their policies or actions .. and in most cases it doesn't matter much, ... but after a while you'd think if anyone who is invested in this company and had a ounce of proactively and professionalism this would be an issue they would at least have thought about.

??? which implies that they think there is some benefit in having Hitler always be on their website.

Hitler is not an actor. Neither is Stalin or any of the other monsters that kept showing up recently.

Who knows what kind of diseased minds would actually take time out of their lives and devote energy to coming to a website and getting Hitler to show up all the time. I don't need to see the evidence of that kind of sickness every time I come here, or MovieChat's blasé attitude.


Well remember, the reason why Hitler keeps showing up is because that’s for most recent conversations, I don’t get why so many people find this website to be the best for Hitler-talk. I fully agree with you that people who only exist in documentary archive footage shouldn’t even count for this website.


Yeah, but even Jesus Christ has a page here... and he never appear in any documentary.


Derek Chauvin has a page here, and he only appeared in one widely-released starring turn ...

I’ve always wondered who or what has the authority to create a it based off IMDb creations? Anybody know?


Yeah I'm confused about this. I get that he's obviously going to be seen in old film/doc. footage, but why have a dedicated movie page for him on a movie site AND be one of the most popular? It's odd to me.


It's not odd, it is an attack by either KKK/American Nazis or an external country like Russia trying to "queer" our social networking and break up our society.

By the way in case the reader might not know, "queer" is a verb too.

verb (used with object)
to spoil; ruin.
to put (a person) in a hopeless or disadvantageous situation as to success, favor, etc.





The ferocious Führer is going to stay on the main page because we keep making fun of him. The Notorious Nazi deserves it and I'm okay with it. We're not going to hurt the killer Kraut's feelings anyway because the bastard is dead.



The idiots on the left do not understand how much power they give away to the people/things they oppose with their constant desire for censorship.


I go on there all the time and crack jokes about him. If it's against him, you can't cross the line.


But if you could, would you go back in time and make a joke about baby Hitler?


If I knew what baby Hitler would become, then yes.


Hitler was one of the most important figures of the 20th century, of course people are going to talk about him. Stop getting your knickers all bunched up and cut the cancel culture crap. History is history, good and bad. You don't get to censor what people can talk about and what they can't.


I get it, Hitler is your hero. Nobody cares. Goose-step around your parent's basement if you want but we don't want to see it here Colonel Klink.


" Obvious troll is obvious. "


Nowhere in that post did Quasimodo express ANY sort of admiration for one of history's worst monsters, he merely mentioned that discussing the past both good and bad is a normal human behavior

Your knee jerk reaction and silly insults show that you are the one looking for an argument here



Typical loony left response. Ignore facts. Insult.



"Safe space" is for wimps.


Wow, that's a deadly riposte. And the world is one big WWE, just so we all know.


i seem to often disagree with your takes. not about this.


I don’t care if it’s Pol Pot or Ida Amin Da Da that shows up because we shouldn’t forget these tyrants. The history of our planet is full of evil people and instead of creating a safe space for babies, we should always talk about them and try to keep others like them from gaining power in the future.


Doesnt appear to be working


Kim Jong-un would be a prime example.


Villains. They're real. I know.
I dont have an opinion, really I shouldn't have butt in like that.
I dont know what's going on with anything anymore.


Crazy times. We’re all in it together. 👍


We're all in it together. 🌎


✅, mojo....valid but unpopular expression shouldn’t be censored because it’s “uncomfortable”....a person could be offended because a statement, an action, a piece of art may spark a reaction, I get that...but for me, I choose whether I’m offended or not....that works for me....hitler, no reasonable person appears to be endorsing that fuckstick on his page...mock him, ridicule him, drag him through the coals, talk shyt, whatever floats your balls....I don’t need to because I already know he’s a douchecanoe that fucks up any party in which he shows up...Jews this, gimps that, Christians suck, Russians die, yeah, yeah, yeah, a real shytbrain....but I wouldn’t deny anyone the pleasure to do such if it makes them feel better to ridicule this prickface...

Morning, everyone....Good times!


Yep, there he is again, Hitler on the front page of MovieChat.
He pretty much stays up there all the time.
Are you listening or are you just giving us the free speech argument
to make it look like you are not just lazy?


I get ya.
Jesus seems to trigger me more than Hitler.


So, you think Jesus is worse than Hitler? Whatever.


I'm sorry. I must have missed your reply. So I'm late, please forgive me.

No, that is not what I'm saying.
I don't like when Jesus's picture is up in trending. I don't know why it irks me but it does.
I suppose it is because I'm here to talk movies, not religion. Or politics for that matter. Or cooking, or auto mechanics.
I meant no harm Mr. Brux


At least there are some films with the real life Adolf Hitler in it. Jesus Christ has never appear in any movie!


Yeah, besides, Jesus would just be typecast as the messiah....where do you go from there in your career?




If you believe the New Testament....


Bah! Those remakes are just never as good as the originals!


Part of IMDb code, you can find sub forums here to chat about sports teams, pop bands and even dead presidents if they have somehow been involved with film or TV.

MovieChat was born out of a desire to encourage free speech, people are free to talk about what they want here.


The old free speech BS run-around. If I had a business and people were coming and and posting pictures of Hitler or always talking about Hitler I'd kick then the hell out. Maybe you just love Hitler. Anyway, this is a great sieve to find out who to put on ignore.



You are a great example for READ BEFORE YOU POST DITSHIP. IGNORED
