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Do you miss your ex?

Who misses his/her ex around here? I know people who are in relationships and still miss their exes so... I was wondering.

I don't.


One of them, yes.

Moreso I wonder what happened to her. She ghosted me after being together on and off for years.

I'm sure I could find out, but that would feel stalkery weird.


She just left without saying anything ? That's cruel.

One of mine left me by text after 2 and a half years together. That was hurtful as well.


Be thankful you got that much, even though after that long it's still pretty messed up to get dumped with a text.. at least you got closure.

In my case, we were basically best friends that would be "together" for a few months at a time.. It never worked out, but were also young and stupid.. and we never had any hard feelings about it.. at least that I was aware of.

Figured at the very least we would always keep in touch on some level, but nope.. Haven't heard a single word from her in about 5 years now.

Harsh. Lol


Unfortunately keeping in touch with an ex" always on some level" is usually not possible. Most people can barely maintain regular friendships after they start families. That is probably what your ex girlfriend. Now maybe a girl you never had sexual relations with. That would be possible.


And it would probably be a huge letdown. Trrust me een theees! ;)


I trust you. Thats probably why I never looked her up after that. I figured something happened that she couldn't talk to me about.. Maybe she got pregnant a month after..

Whatever it is, I already know that I don't want to know. Lol


I don't really miss my ex husband, but we are still friends so maybe that's why not? There is one ex that I dated for off and on for about 10 years throughout my teens and my early 20s who I still think of and wonder about occasionally. You know how you can get like a pang in the gut when you hear a song, or smell something that reminds you of them? I'll get that, but I'm not sure if that counts as actually missing them.


No, they are exes for good reasons


Exactly! Haven't spoken to my ex-husband since our divorce over ten years ago. Don't miss him at all. I've never missed anyone less!




Shogun- Not missing him reminds me of a country song title I heard, "I Still Miss Her, but My Aim is Getting Better".

I would've considered it if I thought I could get away with it...LOL




Yeah but it's different depending on if you are the dumper or the dumpee.


Fair point


Some days the memories are more prevalent.

"I no longer love her, that's certain, but how I loved her."
-Pablo Neruda


All of my Exโ€™s live in Texas.




Mrmojo4700- A GREAT song by George Strait!

Don't the lyrics go- All my exes live in Texas, that's why I live in Tennessee.

For me, my ex live in the country, that's why I moved BACK to town.


Nah! I have no regrets.


Fuck no. I canโ€™t even figure out why I got with him in the first place.

