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Are introverts and extroverts compatible as romantic partners?

Or do they frustrate each other?


I’m an introvert, my man is an extreme extrovert. We’re very compatible, but it can get frustrating at times. Sometimes I just need to be in my head and he is so energetic. He gets frustrated with me for occasionally spacing when he’s talking, and talking. We’ve worked out a system. If I need to be mellow I just tell him he’s at a 10 and I’m at a 1 and we try to meet in the middle. He does the same when I’m on Neptune and he needs me to be present. It works.


Very compatible and they compliment each other. Extroverts love attention and introverts don't mind allowing the other person to have it. Extroverts bring out the introvert, too re: conversation, going places, etc.

Two extroverts compete for attention and two introverts are too shy to interact.


they go together like magnets
extro fills the silence


Occasionally. I know successful marriages where one partner is chatty and social, and one is quiet and takes a while to open up. In these marriages, the chatty partner appreciates having someone who's happy to do a lot of listening, and the quiet partner is happy to have someone who'll draw them out. They also have an agreement that when the quiet partner speaks seriously about something, the chatty partner will shut up and listen seriously.

It does take a bit of skill in negotiating relationships to make it work, but it can be done.


Yes they are , in my experience,
