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Next rock biopic and who should act in it

I really enjoyed rocketman and the queen movie, also the dirt was great too. Any ones you think they should make ? Would love to see a Clapton one, maybe a stones one. Nirvana would be terrible. Older ones like the doors were great, walk the line I enjoyed .


I don’t know who should act in it but I think it would be cool a film about Aerosmith


Zit Remedy

I mean everybody wants something and they'll never give up


john lennon


Karen Carpenter. There could be a really great biopic if they show her struggles with anorexia. I could see Keira Knightley playing her.


Or the pretenders


The Karen Carpenter Story:


Why you gotta shatter my dreams?



Did you watch it? I've always enjoyed that movie. Makes me cry.
I could only imagine what other music she would have made had she still been alive today.
Her voice was so beautiful and unmistakable!


I've never seen it. I'm not a fan of her music, but what she went through is an interesting story.


Well the movie is about both her/their music and her battle with anorexia.

If you watch, I'd be curious to hear your thoughts. 🙂


in his early years when he was doing student & experimental films, todd haynes did a short biopic titled 'superstar: the karen carpenter story' made mostly using barbie dolls. it's been out of official circulation for years due to not receiving clearance for music rights (which made it even more of a cult item than it was already probably destined to be), but it's out there if you want to see it.

i personally think it's a legitimately great film - weird, definitely, but also oddly respectful. all the versions of it i've seen are pretty rough looking and sounding, but it's absolutely worth a watch imo.


There's a version on YouTube but, yeah, it's pretty bad quality.


sam cooke


Buddy Holly played by Jason Biggs (of The American Pie.)


I think they did that already


Really? I did not know that.


Gary busey did it and won an Oscar. I was thinking of Biggs as jughead


nominated but didn't win.


Prince, and it’s better with an unknown with some musical talent....still, a role that’s tough to cast, may take a few years to develop and build up interest ....


I'd bet real money that Rebel Wilson has a "The Mammas and the Pappas" project in Development Hell.

It'd actually be a great story for a two-hour film, if the band members and their heirs ever agreed to let it be filmed. But I can see why they'd be reluctant, but who knows how much they need an infusion of cash.


I read the McKenzie Phillips biography, crazy crazy stuff


I think a lot of the craziest or worst stuff came after the band broke up, and wouldn't have to be included in the film.

Who knows whether anyone associated with the band would want the past raked up, but they're getting old and a comfortable old age is very expensive.
