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I have a pet spider at work

This cute-as little money spider appeared at my desk a few days ago and keeps hanging around. I'll just notice it out of the corner of my eye crawling over my phone or computer monitor. It usually stops, looks at me for a bit and goes about its business. It's quite a friendly little arachnid.

I have named it Spider. I'm not really good at naming things.

I hope the cleaners don't kill it.


name him Parker.


Haha great! Parker it is.


My last pet was a Mexican Rose Hair Tarantula. It was absolutely fascinating watching how long it could remain completely immobile while its favorite prey, crickets, were bouncing around all over its enclosure.


Tarantulas are fascinating creatures. Apex predators in the bug world. How long did yours live for, if you don't mind me asking.


Yes, it was the most interesting pet I've ever had. I also learned back then that they can fall and easily break a limb while climbing and that can be a catastrophic injury.

As far as its longevity, I don't know. It had been a gift to me, I was in a situation where I was moving and it was a burden at the time so I just donated it back to the pet store where it had been purchased. They were very happy to take it.


Ah, ok. I had heard somewhere they can live up to 20 years in captivity but didn't know if that was true or not.


Seriously, you had a tarantula for a while? How long did you have him or her?


Yes Cat, for a little over a year and I can't remember if I ever knew its sex or not.


How does one determine that?


Egg laying?


They lay eggs without a mate?


Very interesting, Db. What did you do with it? Can you play with them?


As I told silverstone above, I returned it to the pet store where it had been purchased because I was in the middle of moving (kind of a long story). It was just a few blocks from my home at the time and I was in there regularly to buy crickets with which to feed it.

My fun was just in observing its behavior and learning interesting things about it. For instance, they have a defense mechanism known as "throwing hairs", an action whereby they expel hairs from their abdomens like tiny barbs at a potential predator, or anything that might annoy them for that matter. The hairs become embedded in the skin and even get into the eyes and can cause significant discomfort.


"I have named it Spider. I'm not really good at naming things."


I like spiders. Do you know what kind it is? The cleaners had better not kill Spider.


One of these little guys

I thought it was a money spider but apparently it’s a garden jumping spider. He does like to jump so that makes sense.

Our office cleaners are pretty hopeless so he’s probably safe 👍🕷


Cute! We have jumping garden spiders here too. The way they move in those quick little fits of start and stop is entertaining.

I've never heard of a money spider before so thought either you'd meant monkey spider (and you have to admit this little guy does look monkeyish) or your spell check had gone berserk and inserted a random word just for the fun of it.

Here's a green money spider I found. It looks like he's crocheted his abdomen into something between a scary clown face and a ski mask

For once office cleaners who are useless have a use. Long live Spider!


It's a little wolf spider! Awesome!


You have to take care of the things you love.


Excellent! We have a no kill policy in our household, instead we have a 'spider sucker' (it's like a small vacuum cleaner) that captures it humanely, then I let my 5 year old daughter (who has no fear of spiders or bugs) release it into the garden; she normally waves bye-bye to Mr or Mrs Spider as they go in their way.


Spider sucker, love it, you should trademark that mate. I like your no-kill policy too, although here in Oz you have to make the hard decisions sometimes, on account of all our deadly spiders. Sometimes it’s a case of them or me!


It’s one of these: -

Everything in Australia either wants to kill you or eat you (or kill you and eat you), lol.


When I was in school we used to walk past this alcove where there was a pretty sizeable web. We would stop and look at it sometimes. Some of us got into the habit of catching and/or killing flies and the like if we saw them and would drop them on the web. After a while we started to notice if someone came into the alcove the spider would come out onto the web rather than hide. Drop the bug and it scooped it up. I had no idea they could be that intelligent


I’ve always thought spiders were amazing creatures.


Cool story, bro.
Nobody has time for a pet spider at work.


I hardly have to feed it and take it for walkies, do I?

Let me break it down for you “bro”. It’s not a pet, it’s a spider at my desk and I posted an observational comment because at that particular time I was sick of the anti-women discussion and thought I would create a diversion.

Thanks for playing.


Not a good start, bro.


Good start for what?
I've been here about a month already.
Either way, I've never had a job where I had time to look at spiders.


You’ve never had a job where you can glance away from your computer screen for a matter of seconds? You’ve had it tough.


Amazon warehouses are busy places.


I'm a fugitive from a chain gang.


A man of constant sorrow


It will keep your area free of pests and never bother you.
