MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why do people think weed is good for anx...

Why do people think weed is good for anxiety/stress?

It only exacerbates any kind of neuroses. There might be some really strong stuff out there that completely knocks it out but for the most part it just makes it much worse, short term and long term.

I am still able to enjoy it when I’m drinking (which counter-balances this effect) at home watching movies, but if I smoke and go in public I’m extremely uncomfortable.


The more important question would be, why do people think because they’ve experienced things one way then it must be true for everyone?
People think weed is good for anxiety/stress because it IS good for their anxiety/stress.


I usually hear it from people who don’t smoke or know anything about weed, but yes there are likely plenty who do benefit from it in this way. I just know that all of the science and chemistry behind the drug says it worsens all of these things.


Everyone is different. Not everything works for everyone, and that's true even for stuff like blood pressure meds.
Maybe... just maybe, you should talk to more of the folks who benefit from it.


Dunno, never tried it. Where can I get some?




Whos that?


The poster here?


Speaking strictly as someone with literally decades of personal experience in this very subject... it does. And to be quite clear... this opinion is backed up by the little existing true medical research of this plant. For over 80 years we've been fed propaganda about it, invented by people whose income was threatened by it, while the government flatly refused to investigate it and labeled it schedule 1 with no proof of that designation - AT ALL.
Do yourself a favor... before you pass judgment - on anything - gain some experience, real experience on the matter at hand.


The term/stereotype 'Pot head' is actually true.

Researchers have found that prolonged use of marijuana causes the part of the brain that deals with motivation/ambition and goal oriented behavior to atrophy.

After reading this I was reminded of the lyric in that song "I was going to clean my room...but I got high...but I got high...but I got high."


I've never had any problems with paranoia, though I'm pretty laid back to begin with.

I only like to get high if I'm playing video games. I can't play video games sober for whatever reason, and it's the only thing I want to do when I'm high. So I think it just relaxes me enough that I can get into the game without thinking about other things I could be doing instead.


The people who smoke it will come up with any excuse and buy any theory that makes it sound like a wonder drug.


Says the woefully inexperienced. Which makes your statement worth what?


I know that despite what the plant smokers say that weed causes brain damage. Not to mention the stupidity of inhaling any type of smoke.


Uh hunh. You have alot of strong unsubstantiated opinions, don't you?


I used to smoke weed back in the day, but I didn't like the way it made me feel. I prefer to just be myself.


Might depend on the strain, but it most likely depends on the person smoking. Weed will always relax me no matter if its indica or sativa, it'll just be in different ways. I guess it also depends on the environment. If you shouldn't be smoking, whether due to legal reasons or if you're smoking where someone doesn't want you to be smoking, then one might be a little more paranoid. But if you're in a "safe" environment then you're more likely to let loose. If someone is only smoking for their first few times, then they'll most likely be too baked to care about anything.
