MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you think that women...

Do you think that women...

have minds of their own and judge things according to their tastes? Are women even capable of earning a living and thinking for themselves? ...seriously asking y'all
Do women get insulted by random dipshits on the internet regularly?

Chicks man, we allowed them to vote, drive and work and just look at the state of things bro, amiright?!?



I'm sure Tommy Wiseau knows all of the answers to life's biggest questions👍

Nothing odd about that guy at all


I fucking love you! 🧚‍♀️
Great minds think alike again. See my post.


We do seem to have a few angry young boys around...the Ladies here will make short work of them no doubt


oh the shaming. Not young or angry. Just interested in the topic and not afraid to criticize sacred cows.


Poking a few idiots that generalize bullshit about women is 'shaming?'
It's a wake up call to shitheads, nothing more

As for you, I have hardly paid you any attention, you seem to have nothing much to say, I don't even know if you're a guy or a girl

Get ugly with me, I'm used to it👍
A big part of me looks forward to it


Remember when this was a movie site? 🎥🎬


☝️ I do. Whatever happened to that?


Apologies, I get into fights sometimes

That one was on me Laura, I'm a tad rough


And you are just filled with interesting conversation!

Just because they have a differing opinion to yourself does not make them shit heads.



You are comfortable defending dummies that toss all women into the same category?

And don't call me a White Knight again, grow a pair and explain yourself

You don't see that we lose members here if we allow immature shits to run rampant?



I'm merely starting a conversation which you can't handle

As for 'fucking myself' I'm not that limber...and I've actually managed to find a loving woman for all of that, unlike some knuckleheads that are posting nonsense of late

You need to pick up your game if you want to hang with the cool kids😉



Lame response, you are a bore

;)Profanity (which I usually don't have a problem with) is the last resort of a beaten fool

Call me some more names in your next post you woman-bashing defender

You might properly guess that I love to spar and I'm not going anywhere

Let me have it😁


You truly are a bore yes. I agree.

Sometimes when it comes to bores like you there is nothing left to say but the obvious.

Spar? I'm sorry but I do feel like I am engaged in a battle of wits with an unarmed person and that just isn't fair.


Seems that your posts are quickly disappearing...are you erasing your nonsense or are the mods simply done with you?

I don't report or ignore so none of that was me, honest

Unarmed, Ha
You've been a punching bag all evening dumb dumb

You know where to find me😬


Hey, Sweet Cakes 😘 to answer your question of:

“Do women get insulted by random dipshits on the internet regularly?”

You’re damn right I get insulted. Just today I was told “f-you” for giving an opinion. Then called a “f-er”! He had no reason to go off on me just for having a different opinion. The jerk has big time anger issues!


What thread?


The Politics Board

The thread:

“This weeks communist Democrat party media orgasmic fart in the wind.”


Oh, yeah

That politics board is full on loony

I'd say that place is beneath you Big Sis😘


Okey Dokey! I shall take your advice and dream sweet dreams of you!😌


Please, you're too good for that mudpit😘


Having sweet dreams of you? Never!😍 Will I stop!


😃good to hear not everyone hates me LOL🥰


Right, just angry and bitter. Attractive qualities to everyone. Not angry? LOL.


Nope, happy. Never married, no kids, never divorced, never ripped off by a woman. As happy as can be.


Right. Because you consistently come off as a happy person, not at all as chronically bitter and angry 👍


Everyone has different sides to them. You do not know me in person.


FYI, everyone here can see for themselves just how "happy as can be" you are.


Yes, insult me and then call me angry because I respond in kind. Nice tactic.


How did I insult you? I said you come off as bitter and angry because you do, when you claim to be happy and indifferent.


There's that 'woman' thing again...I might be difficult but you are sending angry signals man


Yeah, because you don't come across as a desperate and angry white knight...


'White Knight' is the sort of baby boy phrase that gets bandied about on the 'net by are not one of this world's countless victims, are you?


Such a hypocrite. You throw about insults like crazy and then when someone calls you a white knight you go nuts.

Go and have another cup of soy milk baby.


I thought I was fairly reasonable just there, and Soy milk is really gross, why would I drink that?!


Why would he be desperate and an "angry white knight" when he's contentedly married? He's just a decent guy who isn't bitter and chronically angry at just over half the population, like you are.

If you really were content and happy, you wouldn't post the things you do. Duh.


Why would I be angry? It's a forum we post messages and discuss things.


He still comes off as very angry and eager to get that pat on the head from women and fellow soy boys.


Why are you so angry? That's for you to ponder and answer, but judging by what I've seen from you over and over, I doubt you'll give it any self-reflection. You could always prove me wrong!


I'm not angry at all. I do get a little bemused that topics like this can't be discussed without white knights getting all shamey about things as if it even matters.

But not angry.

I think it makes sense for you to think I am angry though as it helps explain things away, perhaps.


Sure thing. You keep telling yourself that, brah. One day you may even believe it.


His user name is Forsaken. Doesn't that tell you all. His identity is completely wrapped up in this.


I wasn't going to mention that, but as long as you did, yep.


What is a 'soy boy' ??

You are in the deep end of the pool buddy, be sure to keep paddling


British comedian Harry Enfield summed it up perfectly.


If we let Babes into college they'll just grow beards

Best to just give them all fuzzy kittens


Here’s another one (which is my favourite) from the same sketch show.




HEY! I don't have a beard. (Yet.)



welcome to The He Man Woman Hater's Club

We piss and moan about chicks here, you're a Bro, right?




Right on broski!
Chicks man!


My BRAH! 👊




I'm indifferent really, once you start seeing women for what they are it's hard to really be enamored.


In my experience women are difficult, they have options and opinions of their own...I'm on #20 now and we please each other very much

I tried to be romantic and I never once cheated on any of them...RESPECT is the name of the game with the Ladies

I'm not being mean but maybe you should try guys...assuming you are a guy
Nothing is wrong with being a gay guy👍


They aren't difficult really, you just have to take the blinders off and see them for what they are. And there we go with the shaming again. Does the thought of men not being restrained by some outdated sense of chivalry really challenge you that much?


Pray tell, what are women really?


Flawed human beings. Nothing perfect or superior, angelic etc about them.


It's so difficult not to respond with a sarcastic "well duh".

The problem with these posts is that they are generalizations about all women. We're all just people trying to make our way through life. Some people are good. Some are not.


The difference is that men aren't perfect either but society doesn't paint us up to be. Society has made out that women are perfect in every possible way and so of course when they aren't it looks worse. And you have lots of men and women who become disenchanted because women aren't living up to the sales brochure.

You will no doubt insult me again but I am being objective here and given the amount of women who whine about where all the good men have gone it does make me think.

By the way, the good men have gone to ground!


"By the way, the good men have gone to ground!"

Pretty much just you and other MGTOWers, which you continually post about as though women wonder and care about that you do. We don't either wonder or care about that at all. The reasons are self-evident. If you truly were indifferent and happy as you repeatedly claim you are, you wouldn't post the way you do. None of this would even show up on your radar.


But it's so much fun making you upset simply by expressing a different opinion!


What on earth would make you think you're making me upset? I think it's a great thing that someone like you has decided to eschew being involved with a woman, or anyone else.


Why do you think I am angry? I think it's great I will never encounter you.


Uh, your posts. Consistently angry and bitter. It's amazing to me you have so little ability to see yourself. But hey, you do you.


I really would like to know where this magical society is that has made women out to be perfect. I don't live in that society. This board does not reflect that society either. I could talk to a lot of women who are disenchanted with men as well. Dating isn't easy for either sex. Lumping all men or all women into little boxes that make us feel better about our failures doesn't help anyone and creates a lot of ill will.

I didn't mean to insult you. All I implied is that what you have just discovered is pretty obvious and I am sorry that you took it as an attack on you.


I get attacked on here and other forums a lot. Water off a ducks back.

What is interesting though is that 10 years ago you wouldn't get posts criticizing women at all. It was simply forbidden and if you tried you would get a hounded. Now it has become quite common on forums. So times have changed.


You must have been on different forums. There certainly were posts attacking women 10 years ago.


No blinders on here, I can see the entire playing field quite sharp

Wow, 'restrained' by treating women properly?
You sound painfully angry and I wish you well

Chivalry is very much alive, give it a try
I've not known a single Lady that did not appreciate a bit of thoughtfulness


Do women treat men properly?

Nah chivalry was a code of conduct for wealthy men in battle against other wealthy men.

And you do come off as very very angry whether you want to acknowledge that or not.


All I'm saying is that you should lighten up, some of your statements about women come off hatefully

I will not deny that I am often angry, you are correct on that point
Anger serves me well

I'm most angry with idiots that accuse women of being dishonest pests
I have a mom, a wife and a young daughter and people like you make me very alarmed


You come off as hateful to me. People like yourself make me very alarmed. We had a guy down here who was killed because a woman went running to her white knight friends said she was raped. So the white knights went around to the house, beat up the first man they saw and he died.

He wasn't even the one the woman was accusing of rape.

So yeah, people like you are scary.


Ironically Shogie comes off to me, and most people here, as consistently generally good natured and happy with his life. But you consistently come off as unhappy with your life and embittered, because you dislike and are angry with just over half the human population in general.

Guess which of the two of you alarm me about being in this world and who doesn't?


I am not one to take things lightly. You seem to think that I care if you like me or not.


You're not one to take things lightly = what, other than you're hardly indifferent and are angry and bitter?

"You come off as hateful to me. People like yourself make me very alarmed. [...]

So yeah, people like you are scary."

So according to your logic, this means you seem to care if Shogie likes you or not.

Do you ever hear yourself?


Do you hear yourself. How much mental gymnastics do you have to do in order to try and make yourself appear in the right?


You have no idea.


Would you like me to start making snipes at you? Up until now I've ignored yours. Keep it up, and I won't. Yours are baseless. Mine won't be.


😄 Irony.

I'm not the one who's bigoted against over half the population of the world, 99.99% of whom I've never met and never will met. That's you.

I'm also not the one who's being otherwise illogical. Again, that's you.



I've not mentioned a thing about violence, I was just calling you out on your nonsense

Don't be silly with me


But you come off as a relaxed, happy, content person, amirite?


I am actually. I just challenge things that most people take for granted.


No. If you really were the kind of person you want people to think you are, your posts would be entirely different. Not angry, not bitter, they'd reflect happiness and relaxation. How difficult is that to understand?


As mentioned though there are different sides to people. If you push someone and they push you back is it fair to call them violent? They are simply responding.

I responded to the thread, it is everyone else who has actually attacked me. I could have easily been ignored.

It's like challenging women is some kind of sacred cow that should never be questioned.


These topics wouldn't even be a blip on your radar if you were who you claim to be. That's self-evident. But you always rise to the bait because it's catnip to you. This thread wasn't about you at all.


How do you challenge women though?

Making snide comments doesn't challenge anyone



I was asking you a serious question. What do you say that actually challenges notions instead of just inflaming the conversation? What point are you really trying to make?

I asked you a question about what you meant, you answered, I did not respond in a way that was insulting to you. In fact, I agreed with you. Women are just as flawed as everyone else. What other point are you trying to get across?


I have to agree with Shogun. I get the impression that women just aren't your thing. Maybe try to find a nice, goodlooking guy who shares the same interests as you.



Oh yes, I'd love to find a nice, goodlooking guy who shares the same interests as me. I can scratch you off that list, though..




I think all women have scratched you off their list, though. Most guys probably as well. Still, good luck finding that special gentleman!👍


I certainly do not.

I think that women are controlled by Satan to use their magical vagina power to undermine the prowess, and virility of powerful, manly men.

Note: this is all women that are doing it to all men. Be afraid, be very afraid.


(Meeting's tonight, 8pm🗽)


Good, I do need to brush up on my magical vagina powers.


I always KNEW Satan's magical vagina powers were behind all of this!


Great name for a band.

Playing Tonight: Satan's Magical Vagina Power !!🐱




I see my next protest sign.


Could it be Satan??


It has to be! If not Satan, definitely Satin 👍


Lmao !


Dammit, where's that Satin emoji when you need it? Oh well, 😈


I think boobs may be involved as well, those damned women have ALL the boobs!


Not the boobs as much as hypnotic nipples




The bigger, the better.


never underestimate the power of the vagina. never. 😊 😊 😊


Do you have a problem with women???


I adore women
I share a bed with a lovely woman and I'm happily raising my own little woman

This thread was merely in response to the absurd number of 'Chicks are bad, bro' posts that have been going on here of late

My main concern is that we alienate a certain demo and lose their membership when sexist stuff just goes on and on

I strongly dislike the hateful stuff
Most of us are way better than this


“This thread was merely in response to the absurd number of 'Chicks are bad, bro' posts that have been going on here of late”

I cannot relate to these guy’s opinions on women in any way. The only way I’m even aware of these men who have such a negative outlook on women is from things I’ve read on the net.
These guys need to get a grip and enjoy life and maybe then women would be interested in spending time with them.


Correct, it's not brain surgery!!!

Be Nice, pay attention to her, crack a few jokes and do a bit of grooming before the big date...Jeez, some guys act like women are aliens when it's all rather pretty easy

Some sad people out there


I think most women and men are conformist.

I think women should prove a point and not accept alimony because they can support themselves.


That’s a lot of replies for just a 3 hour old post! You must have stirred up a hornet’s nest, Shogun. Too much to read now though.


25% of it is not worth reading tbh...
I was just calling out a few guys that can't resist posting bitter nonsense about women...that sort of thing gets old fast

Nearly half our MC squad are Ladies...a good deal of respect is in order

Also, I like to throw down😬


I've been reading it and it makes my head hurt.
