JFK film

Did you ever see this film? There are a lot of questions on whether Oswald really killed JFK. I know there are a lot of conspiracy theories about Kennedy's death. The entire papers on his assassination won't be released until 2029! Why take so long?!!!


The movie is awful, but Jim Garrison wasn't. People just don't want to believe the CIA killed him, despite all the shit they've done so far, endless war for one... I think Oliver Stone is a CIA plant. He takes the great subjects of our day and distorts them in an effort to delegitimize them. Just like "The Doors". And when I have conversations in person or online, they use those shitty movies as if it was documentation. Everyone knows entertainment along with video AND audio stick in one's mind more than a book.

Here's a Late Night Talk Show with Jim Garrison, Mort Sahl, and Robert Dornan on The Steve Allen Show.


The CIA killed him with help from the mafia. I wouldn't doubt the mafia provided a gunman or two and they definitely provided cover as in getting the operatives dafuq out of dodge after the deed was done.


Stone a CIA plant? On the contrary. Like Julian Assange, he's a subversive who uses his movies to spread disinfo and sow seeds of doubt in its agencies and system of government in the minds of the American public. He's also a great admirer of Leni Riefenstahl and Vladimir Putin. JFK uses her technique of blending real and staged footage to confuse the audiences into thinking that the movie is truthful, and he not only interviewed Putin but asked him to be his daughter's godfather.


Sounds exactly like a CIA plant (Stone, not Assange). They've always embedded themselves in entertainment, media, etc... Gloria Steinem admits the CIA paid her to go to the Vienna Youth Festival and basically take down names. It was the way her Ms. Magazine got funded, too, which was to make the women's movement a joke, to discredit it.


Probably shitty as history, but as pure cinema it's brilliant.


They will never release what really happened.


oswald did it


I hated it.


I like it, but as a well-crafted and entertaining work of fiction. I don't buy the conspiracy theories.
