MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Worst film of the decade?

Worst film of the decade?

Enough of this "best of" business, let's feed off of negativity here. What's the worst film of the decade?

I choose Birdemic 2: The Resurrection.


the wolf of wall street


LOL I didn't like it either, but surely it wasn't the WORST film of the last 10 years.


Any superhero (DC/Marvel) movie. Don't care which one, take your pick.
Tired of getting beat over the head with 100 superhero movies a year for the last decade.

Explosions sell on the foreign/international markets, though. So the dumber the movie and the simpler it is to follow, the more money it will make.


I agree and I am sick of films being rebooted only a couple of years after the previous release. I can't take it seriously. Or when they "retcon" and you are expected to forget about one or more films that came before it.


I couldn't agree more. You're probably the only person I've ever heard agree with me. Usually I'm borderline made a pariah for disliking superheros, reboots and retcons.

You basically read my mind about reboots and retcons. Get out of my head lol.

Tried to watch the shitshow that is Halloween 2018. They somehow expect everyone to "forget" eight movies (I'm not including Halloween 3) worth of storyline that was laid out over 30 years in order to push some new/random narrative.


I kept forgetting that Laurie wasn't supposed be Michael's sister anymore. Considering they've been related for 8 movies, it was difficult to try to force that they weren't.

It also didn't make sense that she would devote her life to thinking Michael was coming for her. If you ignore the rest of the canonical story, I mean. Michael would never had broken out before, he wouldn't be looking for his "sister", either because they aren't related anymore.

Soooo...why is she setting traps and training her kids in anticipation of some random guy randomly breaking out of jail?
Wtf was even going on?

/rant lol

Retcons are the worst.


LOL! My theory is that most of these films are made for people who really don't care about movies. They just watch whatever crap and accept the next installment without question. It's all entertainment to them but as we have seen especially with the recent Terminator film those people aren't enough to make a film a "blockbuster" and as with Dark Fate the films tend to fail.

Never got into the Halloween films but really didn't like the reboots/H20 etc. Also on a horror related note, why remake Nightmare on Elm St? It was perfected at least for the first few films and it is a child of the 80's, you can't make it better than it already was. Robert Englund owns the Freddy role and to cast Billy Bob? Sheesh.

Then you have Ghostbusters 2016, they tried to cover all bases on that one, denying it was a reboot but not saying it was a sequel. In the end the cast didn't have any chemistry and it just sucked.


I also hate it when they just start remaking the whole series again by placing the main character in the tutoring role. EG Creed where Rocky starts training Apollo's son, Star Wars where what's her face is just Luke etc.



I've seen all but 2. They only went for wide released film.


The Legend of Tarzan (2016) working off the theory that a big budget film shouldn't be boring especially when it is about a man who lives in the jungle.

At times it looked like Rambo with animals, just a mess of a film really.

It also seems to be a largely forgotten film.


I hear the one that came out a few years before is even worse.


Not sure if I know about that one. I know there is a Disney one.



American War Fighter (2018)

It's low budget but it's not excuse. The lead actor doesn't even cut his hair even though he is supposed to be a Navy SEAL so he has a man bun. He is also too out of shape to be a SEAL.

It's a bad story too, somehow (I can't remember if the reason is even plausible) the spirit of a dead friend keeps getting him out of trouble. In the end he dies anyway. It's just a mess and looks like it was filmed by a bunch of friends on a Sunday afternoon.

The Girl from the Song (2018)

Another low budget one. I wanted to like it, I love the title. But it's pointless. A guy meets a girl, she warns him not to get attached, she tells him it is just sex. He follows her to America anyway, he cock blocks the potential threesome she is about to get into. He gets his arse kicked.

He ends up alone. Like she warned.

The end.


That first one sounds horrendous. The spirit of his dead friend getting him out of trouble is bad writing 101. You can't think of a way to get out of it, so make it some inexplicable occurance.


It's a weird film. It actually starts off ok but then nose dives quickly. Yeah it is really bad writing which in my opinion should be the one thing about a low budget film which should be good.


The Hate You Give


The Lobster, hands down!



Black Christmas (2019)
