MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The metric system

The metric system

9 degrees? (weird farenheit degrees)

I was gonna title this "Metric vs Imperial measurements" , but I wouldnt think you in the US call your retarded (no offence) system of mesurements "imperial"

What do you call it ?
Why not use celcius? 0 = freezing 100 = boiling . perfect . intuitive . logical.
How much confusion is caused by international engineering projects and you Americans submitting stoneagge specs in feet and inches and god knows what?

Dont you wish you could move on to the far superior metric system?
You seem to be hanging onto it far some sort of stubborn refusal to change , or nostalgia.


We changed to the metric system already back in 1878 here in Sweden. It is peculiaf that three countries still don't want to change.


It could be population size and density that keeps the U.S. from fully converting to metric. And maybe our constitutional rights.


The UK might bring back the imperial measuements


" PM sees 'no reason why people should be prosecuted for selling goods in imperial measures after Brexit"
its a cheap election promise. Does anyone want to sell stuff imperial measurments?
It that sort of bullshit in the headlines that makes you give up on understanding or even listening to any of it.
Its a bit like when they say "when they end free movement , no foreigners will be able to work in the country"
