Jury duty

I had jury duty today. It made wonder how it works in other countries, Canada?, UK?


Never been called for jury duty. Not once...


I sat for about 2 hours listening to people give excuses why they couldn't serve. Most were dismissed. This was a grand jury trial so it was going to be every wednesday until March 1.


we don't have grand juries here, thankfully.


so what do you do when that 1 in 500,000 person kills someone:) I love Canadas murder rate. Its like .08%


There's a preliminary hearing and the judge decides if there should be a trial. No grand juries here.


It's that way in California and other States that don't have a Grand Jury system. There is a preliminary hearing in front of a judge who decides if the case should go to trial.

IIRC ALL Perry Mason TV series cases were preliminary hearings, not trials. You never see Perry Mason addressing a jury.


now that you mention it.


When 19, I simply ignored my Jury Summons until they threatened to prosecute me lol. I showed up, but ended up dismissing us all. I now have a health condition, so I'll just get a Doctors note if called again.


Guilty! Guilty I say! They're all guilty and I demand the death penalty!
"Thank you for your time, Mr Cruz. You can go now".


I had jury duty once when I was about 21.

I went to the courthouse, sat in a room with about 35 other people for about 4 hours. Then they came in and let us out for lunch.

We went back and sat for another hour or so, and then a guy came in and called 12 names, including mine. We were led to a courtroom, where the judge told us that our case had been thrown out and we could all go home.

Not a bad day. I wonder what happened to the other people.
