MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > ☀️ A taste of summer

☀️ A taste of summer

Summer came back for a couple of days here. 81°F and sunny today, and also very humid. 84 tomorrow. I'll take it!


Same here today, without the humidity.


cool and wet here only about 65 degrees.

reply was a disappointing summer overall here in New York


The best time of the year is yet to come:


Nice video. Thanks!


We’ve been getting slammed in the 90’s with high humidity for a month.


You can keep your 90s, thank you. We've had fall-like weather since the third week in August so this warm spell, short as it will be, is very welcome.


I’m envious. Every time I travel I’m reminded of how miserable south Louisiana weather is.


Sorry, I could never survive in LA. Or any of the southern Gulf states. I just can't take the humidity. This crosses my mind every time someone talks about heat & humidity.


It's been too hot here. Summer never left. I've had to use the AC more in the past week than all summer.

I don't like it. Too hot to go out and do things during the day, and now the days are getting noticeably shorter so the window when it's cool enough to go out and is still light is narrowing.


I've already put all my fans away except one, due to all the cooler weather we've been having the past three weeks. Heck, we've had a couple of nights in the 40s already.


Does it usually cool off so fast there? September is often one of our hottest months. I won't be sorry when it's over and we get the first day with a fall chill in the air.


August is definitely very early for cooler weather, and September is usually warm. Generally it's quite nice until at least mid-October. Not necessarily summer-like, but definitely not jacket weather yet.


Yes, the sun made a welcome appearance here in 'Sunny' Bournemouth for the weekend too. Had to use sunblock and all sorts, I can tell you.
