MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Phrases You Can't Stand?

Phrases You Can't Stand?

"Tell Us How You Really Feel?"

I could not be friends with anyone who said a line like that. And if they were "family", I'd change my surname.


netflix and chill


"I could care less"

Its just wrong! it means the opposite of what the person is trying to convey, and sooo many people say this that its in danger of becoming legit , despite being bullshit

This explains it better:


“I could care less” is sarcasm, so it’s true meaning is the opposite, i.e. “I couldn’t care less”.


for every 1 person saying it as sarcasm , thats gone over the heads of 99 other people who just parrot the phrase , not as sarcasm, and not thinking about the words or bothering to comprehend / diagnose the sentence.

Also , as sarcasm goes its a pretty ambiguous and shit example.

If someone asked you a question and your genuine opinion was "I couldnt care less"
a sarcastic reply would be "i care lots" or "I care about that more than anything "
not "I could care less" which only indicates some degree of caring from 1% to 100% but not 0%
I'd always heard Americans didnt get sarcasm , this proves it .
I hate the phrase even more now.


I could care less.




It's not a phrase, so it doesn't qualify for this thread, but one thing I really hate is the current usage of "literally" when the speaker/writer really means "figuratively" or "virtually".


my gf does the same thing with "obviously" , just chucks random obviouslys into a sentence , in a grammatically correct way , but the things are totally not obvious to the listener.


Kinda like people saying EVERYTHING is amazing! He/she is amazing. It's an amazing deal. What an amazing movie, etc., etc., etc. 99.0999963475% of what people label as amazing, isn't even close to amazing.


I really don't mind most of them..Phrases are just shortcuts that can save a lot of "beating around the bush".
I DO hate when somebody says someone or something is the "poor mans" version..
as an example : Jeffrey Dean Morgan is the poor man's Javier Bardem



Thoughts and prayers
Clap back
Throwing shade
Put it in the parking lot


"Tell Us How You Really Feel?"

Is that because of the bad punctuation?
When would someone say that?

Would it be ok if it was said after someone had had a lengthy rant about something?


Even after a long rant, its obvious the guy just told you how he felt, so it's redundant..


its a joke though innt? and acknowledges that the you understand that the speaker feels passionately about the subject.


It's still stupid.


It's sarcasm.


"My bad" is top of my list.



"How are you?"
