MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > People suck. A short rant.

People suck. A short rant.

If you're left wing, the right attacks you. If you're right wing, the left attacks you. If you want to limit immigration, you're racist. If you're pro-immigration, people think you're in favour of illegal immigration. If you're white, you're looked at like you're racist. If you're black, you have to be portrayed as a victim. If you think a man who transitions to a woman is still a man, you're transphobic. If you think a man who transitions to a woman is now a woman, you need to be educated on science. If you're a virgin, you get made fun of. If you sleep around, you're a whore. If you're a little bit skinny, you're unhealthy. If you're a little bit overweight, you're also unhealthy. If you're white and you make fun of your own race, you're woke. If you're black and make fun of your own race, you're a coon or an uncle Tom. If you only date within your race, you're racist. If you only date outside of your race, it's cultural genocide. If you're a millennial, you're our future for change but if you're a millennial, you're also an idiot who can't get by without your phone. If you're a Trump supporter, you're racist. If you're a Hillary supporter, you support corruption. If you don't support Obama, you're racist. If you don't support Ben Carson, it's okay. If a school shooter is white, all white people are bad. If a Muslim does a bombing, it's "not all Muslims". If you support abortion, you're a murderer. If you are anti-abortion, you hate women's bodies. If you agree with an opinion, you're smart. If you go against an opinion, you're stupid.

Humans give me a headache. There is no more nuance in this world. Fight among yourselves while I board up my windows and doors to keep me away from humanity.


Nothing lasts forever. There's always an election just around the corner, President, Senator, Governor, Federal House, State Assembly, Mayor, City Council...



Not to fear Joe
When people espouse these ideas it gives the rest of us a bead on what they are really about, which is a good thing...let all of the extremists continue their yapping
It makes it easy to sort out who's worth talking too;)


It gets really annoying. You can't say or do anything without it happening. Even when you're not involved you see if happening to other people.


As long as you act in good faith and behave rationally the liars can never smear you
Aim for peace, equality and sane reasoning and you can't miss Joe

And to hell with what the extremist sorts think and say, that bunch of either brand wont be going away anytime soon


Maybe lighten up and listen to some 80s music!


How dare you!



Actually that one is kinda catchy.


I'll second that suggestion about 80s music.


I see your point. Everything is partisan and issues only have two sides. It is simplistic, counterproductive and illogical to view the world this way. People are more focused on one-upping one another and lose focus on actually solving problems and earnestly seeking workable middle grounds. It’s all about zingers, counting “likes”, and being snarky. Very disheartening.


Imagine living in a time before central heating and A/C; before refrigerators, washing machines, and flush toilets; a time before modern medicine and dentistry; before books were widely available, let alone radio or TV; a time before modern cookery and your local supermarket carrying all manner of food and drinks; before modern transportation and rarely, if ever, venturing more than a few miles from where you were born; a time when there were no such things as windows to board up--so cheer up, it could be worse.


Yep, and in those days you were old when you hit your 30s. The struggle to just survive was fought every day.


Of course. But the kind of mentality of the example I gave make it difficult for people to share their true opinions in fear of being accused of racism, sexism and so on.


Yes, I went off-topic. You are correct that people are afraid to speak their mind. I love it when someone on TV says, "We need to have a conversation about race." Hell, that's all they do on TV. Plus what they mean is, not a conversation, you must conform to the latest PC dogma.


Yeah, I hate that. And then when someone says their opinion, it's "that's racist". Pretty much it's everyone is wrong unless they agree with me.



I forgot to include steel-belted radials in my list above.




Peter Finch knew what was up.




You are right. That's why I ignore most things people say and don't read "news". I use the term "news" very loosely. Its better to stay in your own little intelligent bubble then get sucked into the trash.


Sometimes after I watch a movie, I'll go online. While I'm there I'll see a stupid comment and that's when I realize how much happier I was when I was watching the movie.


Which is why you never read the comments :p


Not here though. This is my safe zone. Minimum stupidity.


As completely right as the post is I don't think he gets the site. Drink and post stupid things. This guys seems to be trying to say something important and I respect him for it, but there are no answers, just drink that beer. Can the grammer police check my run on sentence?


Trust me, I've posted some dumb stuff here.


I agree with you on so many levels. I find that i have an amazing time just chilling with my cat at home and away from society. My rant on people? People can make fun of you, cause you pain, make you feel stressed out, always giving you your opinion and if you differ from them, you're always wrong. They are always nosy about your life; I'm married and people are always asking me if I am going to have children. What business is that of theirs? People judge people all the time, people look down at you, women hate women for being pretty and treat you bad because they are jealous of you. Bosses at work are the worst; they feel like they have all the power in the world and treat you horribly, people ignore you if they don't know them (even if you smile at them and say hello), people take advantage because they are only looking out for themselves and people are not happy for you when good things happen in your life. I'm sure I'm missing a lot of things but, these are a few things that come to my mind....


The next time someone asks you when you're having kids, start quivering your lip and tell them that you can't have children and watch them feel uncomfortable. It's the only way they'll learn.

And I hate when women attack men for the way they are but then treat women just as bad as they're saying the men are. As I said, people suck.
