MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The last time you moved

The last time you moved



oh way to make an ambitious broke guy with problems feel insecure about the whole idea of moving

ill move whenever and wherever i want in the US, did it once and will do it again


why does it make you insecure ?


because i have issues and i know how a stable home makes sense for peace of mind but i want more out of life, im back in a neiborhood i dont want to be in anymore and need to pay off my debt before i can attemp to do anything about it


sorry to hear that. it was meant to be a fun topic.


2014, thank God. Moving is the worst, but I've been fortunate enough to a land a solid rental for the last five years and I'm pretty happy with it.


1998: From the hospital where I was just born to where I'm still living now.
