MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Please stop pre-ordering video games, yo...

Please stop pre-ordering video games, you foolish, foolish bastards

And tell your friends to stop while you're at it?
That's pretty much it, really.

Why? I'm pretending you asked here because if you think about it, its the only way we can keep video games from sucking. And I can't help but want to state the obvious.

Because...while a horrible game can inspire thousands of angry Youtube videos with millions of agreeing viewers, if we're aware that companies exist solely for the enrichment of their shareholders, we know that our ultimate voice comes in the form of speaking with our wallets.

And aside from some cheap statuette your little brother will soon be breaking, or maybe some in-game article of clothing you'll see on thousands of other people, pre-ordering isn't just taking away that voice, but often serving as reward for those that least deserve it. Sure its unwitting, but you're actively encouraging the very behavior you'll later be whining about.

Pre-ordering is 100% kryptonite to good video game development, and people that do it only have themselves to blame when it doesn't work the way they'd hoped. And if you're someone who does this, you should have to admit it up front so we can strip you of all right to gripe and then yell at you for being a large part of the problem.

That's all. Lol just logged into Steam and pre-order ads are all over the place. DON'T DO IT! And maybe even consider shaming/shunning those that do. Amen, godbless etc, this has been a random gripe er...a public service announcement that should be forwarded to all of everybody.


This post makes me happy
Ordering video games is one thing I will never be blamed of👍


is that croft?


Croft is too busy being abused by his 'friends' elsewhere to have the the time lol


is he ever.


You reap what you sow lads and mates




me two


Okay, well...what about always stopping before entering a you do that? There's no cars coming, Shogun, why are you stopping??

Btw, your reply made me happy. Aside from the whole roundabout thing, I mean =D


I was just out on City Island in The Bronx on Tuesday... there are a number of roundabouts and of course I came to a full and legal stop at every one of them
It's just good manners;)


Well they didn't want me to say anything, but those people behind you? Omg they hate you so hard. Its crazy, right?? I mean...its not like you're everything wrong with the world today haha but no you really are though. You and your pre-ordering buddies...ruining everything!

Lol too funny...nice to meet you Shogun, destroyer of good =]


Why is it that folks will stop at a 'yield' sign at the roundabout but will roll through a 'stop' sign at an intersection??


Yes...this! SEE??


THANK YOU! So irritating!


You're not the boss of me!


well said Jhosaphet , but it will never stop.
People be excitable idiots. Kids will pay $50 just for a skin to make their weapon look different in %game%
People used to pre order a new model of a car (or a sofa) because production was labouit intrensive and they might well have to wait weeks.
Video games are the exact opposite - they stick it on a server and everyone gets a copy immediately.
why TF would anyone pre order?


That's a good point...all the little Jimmys and Jasons, pestering their parents into pre-ordering games for them...dang kids.
But that's right on the makes zero sense to pre-order a game that, once its live, its available to anyone for immediate download. There was one recently that let pre-purchasers play a day or two ahead of release, but generally speaking, you're absolutely right. Hadn't really thought of it that way.

Yup, pre-ordering doesn't make a lick of sense unless you just really enjoy gambling.
Can't think of any other product that you'd buy sight unseen, with virtually no idea of the item's quality. And shoot, just the fact that companies are so intent on pushing it should make you raise an eyebrow, if not have you instinctively reaching around to make sure your wallet is still tucked into your back pocket, safe and sound lol


Oh how the weak minded amuses me, seriously there are some really dumb people who would buy anything. The Dumb market is the most important market.




Absolutely not.
Wait, what?
No...the answer is probably no...and how dare you ask, sir.


I am a BF player from way back and started in BF1 so I preordered the game only to find it full of bugs, pc and game modes I’m not interested in playing. It’s sad.


Ah yeah, that's too bad, sorry to hear that Mojo, but yeah, that BS!


You make a good point that the newest game just might be a total dud. Amazing the number of people who fall for the hype.
