MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What are 5 things that annoy you?

What are 5 things that annoy you?

1. My mom's yawning
2. Always seeing Donald Trump's face in the trending section
3. Ring of Fire being the only Johnny Cash song that gets played at bars

4. McDonalds not serving the bacon egg and cheese bagel all day
5. Haircuts costing 15 dollars when they used to cost 12


People listing what annoys them... /end.


People making smartass comments like that instead of answering a question.


I agree, but it was just too much for me to resist.


Already listed 5 but was reminded of this today

Condiment or other packages marked TEAR HERE and with all your might you CAN'T TEAR THERE!


Good one!


1. Stupid drivers – they don’t use turn signals, hog the passing lane on the freeway, tailgate,looking at their phones, texting, etc.
2. Folks who can’t put down their smartphones to converse with the person standing in front of them.
3. Rude, inconsiderate people.
4. Head-banging car speakers that can be heard from three blocks away.
5. Breaking in new bath towels – the lint is SO annoying and it seems to go on forever.


4. The damn bass that rattles my windows




1. and 3. - Isn’t everyone in Minnesota supposed to be nice?


Denzel Washington being preachy/ bad mouthing social media.


1. AOC
2. "Mad Max" Maxine Waters
3. Crooked Hillary
4. BHO
5. Michelle Obama



1. people cutting me off so they could answer their cellphones
2. people showing favoritism towards certain people while dealing with the public
3. not every song I like is available on iTunes
4. price of living has gone way up in the past few years
5. the smell of marijuana leaking through my bedroom window while they're smoking it outside (I live in an apartment complex).


#5 is pretty ironic coming from you...


1. People who use the 12 items or less checkout with 100 items
2. When the top of my electric toothbrush comes off while using it and hits me in the face
3. People who don't use their indicator (especially on a roundabout)
4. People who demand that I must watch Game of Thrones
5. Plastic packaging within plastic packaging


Cutting myself shaving
