MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Best Dream You've Ever Had

Best Dream You've Ever Had

My all-time favorite remains stepping out onto the stern of a side-wheeler, and sitting in a chair next to a man with white, curly hair under his cap. It was very warm, but with the promise of coolness as the sun set. I could hear the wheels churning, but the most amazing part was I could actually smell the river. It was so real it was like being there. The man said, with the most elaborate Southern drawl, "I was just talking to your brother." He paused, and then with perfect timing, added, "More different kinds of idiot I have never met!" I had to take a moment to get over the shock -- it was Mark Twain. We both broke out laughing, and I told him, "You've met my brother, alright! He's one in a million!" He then spent time showing me how to "read" the river with the kind of expertise only someone who'd spent time as a riverboat captain could muster. It was a taste of a different era, and the company of a man who knew the art of good conversation. I hated waking up.

Has anyone else had dreams that were wonderful, memorable, and vivid?


I was makin out with Natalie Portman.


All of my zombie dreams.


I've had cool zombie dreams too. I remember having this one where I was in New York City during a zombie outbreak and my family and I had barricaded ourselves in a supermarket. Samuel L. Jackson came speeding along in a blue Mustang and picked me up. Everyone else stayed behind because it was only a 2-door car. We sped through the city, running zombies down and listening to rap music on the car stereo.


Sounds wonderful :-)


Iv'e had a recurring dream for years now: I inherit an enormous Victorian home in disrepair that is loaded floor to ceiling with beautiful antiques (paintings, furniture, busts and so forth)

My grandmother lived in a beautiful older house and was a buyer and seller of antiques her whole life
I assume this is where the dream comes from



I've had several recurring dreams over my lifetime. Some I have had dozens of times over. I wonder how common that is. As far as most pleasant it would have to be a sexual situation with a very attractive woman. Back to recurring dreams I have dreams where I am walking a highway in a snowstorm yet 100 feet up it is bright and sunny. I get to a bar/grill and the patrons are aloof at best and I soon leave without food or drink. Another dream is out walking along a road in the country after dark with some snow and open patches in a field. A UFO flies by overhead then circles back lowering in altitude as it approaches me. Weird dreams or bad dreams greatly out number the pleasant dreams for me, anyways.


Yes, sexy dreams are good but quite rare lol!
Just recently Brooke Burke and I were having a grand time, then the alarm went off and I had to run off to work...damn that alarm!!
Disturbing dreams are far more common, but I do watch a lot of horror and crime movies so that's my fault


Naughty dreams....I think🤔. It’s been quite awhile though.🙇‍♀️ Always with an unknown guy🥰. Go figure....

BTW, I chose Dreams as a subject for my high school senior year term paper. Received an A+

Hey, Shoggie or hownos, you guys didn’t mention my 3K posts. No congrats for me 😟


Oh wow! just noticed...apologies K
I'm working on my yard machines, busting knuckles and none of these trimmers and blowers want to get to work!!!

Wait for it...


My best naughty dream was when I was in highschool and I dreamed about an orgy with all the prettiest girls at school.


All? Wow! I would say you were in overdrive! 😳🤪

I posted the same thing twice! It’s time for coffee!


Yeah, and with the prettiest girls I mean the not too ugly ones.


My guys were unknown which is a good thing. If I had known who they were....well, let’s put it this way....naughty things could have occurred during wakey times! 😉



How cool! Does the UFO do anything, or do you always wake up without it ever reaching you?

I follow an AelfredTheGreat on Twitter. He seems to be a gentle soul with a weird sense of humor.

My recurring dreams are always in passageways underground. I always get lost in them. They look almost exactly like the underground passageways we used to get between one building and another in college.

When I was a small child, they took us to a park with the tallest fir trees in them. They genuinely were tall -- I can drive past them now and looking straight up them must have been a dizzying experience for a child. In my dream, they were a "Petrified Forest," and would always begin to fall on me. That was a terrible nightmare for a child!

Recurring dreams are supposed to actually mean something in your life. Mark Twain's recurring dream was to step out to speak to an audience -- he was the superstar of his day when it came to drawing crowds -- and he'd step to the podium and realize he was stark naked. Stark naked recurring dreams supposedly happen to a lot of people (they supposedly mean that deep down you think you're a fraud) but I never had them happen to me. Partially clothed, yes. Totally naked, no. Strangely enough, in my partially clothed -- "Will you look at that; I've forgotten to put anything on above the waist!" -- I keep expecting others to react to it, but they don't. It's like I'm in crazy world. Not that they dress that way, just that it's not surprising at all for me to -- perfectly accepting, no stares, nothing. And they usually occur in the hometown of my youth. That's kind of the opposite of the usual stark naked dream, where you're panicked as to what to do, from what I'm told.


I'm not the same Alfred as I don't Twitter. Sorry.


You’re probably smart for not doing so!




I frequently dream about moving into new and strange homes, the best one ever was the one where my new home was just a brass bed on a grassy hillside. I slept in the bed under the stars and woke up to see the blue sky above me, feel the springtime sun on my skin, and smell the meadow and wildflowers around me. I could see a wooded valley below me and a couple of boxes of things around my bed, and felt perfectly at peace and content, and was aware that freedom from possessions was the source of my happiness. I felt happy and at peace all day long, and still feel sweetness when I think of that beautiful dream.

I took it as a sign that I would never find happiness in materialism, and that I should strive for peace of mind and oneness with nature if I wanted to be the best version of myself I could be.


That is a lovely dream. I love the ones where you get to see and feel and smell -- a complete sensory experience!


I almost never have physical sensations in dreams, which made this one feel particularly meaningful.

But enough about me! What's your best dream ever?


I opened with mine -- the one about spending a humid dusk on the river with Mark Twain. Magical!


That did sound awesome.

Once I dreamed an entire new Gilbert and Sullivan Operetta in my head, but didn't remember any of the songs when I woke up. Amazing the weirdness that floats out of the subconscious, most of it meaningless. But not all...


I hate it when I forget the brilliant stuff!


Can I ask, do you think the steamboat dream had any personal significance for you, or was it just a really great experience that made you happy?

Most dreams are just random nonsense that bubbles up from the depths of the brain, but there are a few, very few, that seem to mean something.


I was taking a nap in a hot room and I'd been steeping myself in biographies of Twain. That, and the fact that my brother really IS a pain is likely what did it.

I think the recurring dream about the tall trees in a "petrified" forest crashing down on me was because almost all the adults in my life were pretty punitive. Or maybe it just meant that this strange concept of a "petrified forest" where we have so much forest land scared the whatzis out of me.

I hope some day you remember your Gilbert and Sullivan operetta! It would be great to dream a masterpiece!


Funny thing about recurring dreams. I used to have recurring dreams about everyone around me turning into zombies and attacking me, just like the standard zombie horror movie. Then one night, I was in the dream and realized I was dreaming... and that therefore this was MY dream and I was in charge of everything! So I started kicking the slats out of the zombies, woke up happy, and never had a zombie dream.

I think the zombie dreams had a representation of my feelings of powerlessness and isolation, and the lucid dream came at a time in my life when I was getting over all that.


I had a dream where my dear and trusted friend walked up to me in a crowded square, pulled a gun on me, and shot me. I hadn't remembered, but that was another of my recurring dreams. I never got a chance to resolve that one.

You obviously felt powerful enough to take control of that dream!
