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Aging - 3 fears

Alzheimer's - this has to be the worst, right?
So, beyond that:
Ability to drive
Vision loss
Loss of mobility


Inconvenient peeing
3 AM...Every. Single. Night.


😬 Didn't cross my mind, but a legitimate concern.


Oh, and what's worse is when you are awakened by the urge shortly before you have to get up. Do I get up and pee, or endure it for the next hour, half-hour, or whatever?? Argh! I despise this quandary.


I know it well
I just get up and get it done...not fun leaving the cozy bed

God and Mother Nature share a sadistic streak!


I don't have to pee urgently in the middle of the night on a regular basis. Sometimes, yes. Mostly if I wake up at an odd time it's just comfortable and convenient to use the bathroom. And in the morning I don't have to get up to pee until I want to. I think being horizontal helps. Gravity comes into play a lot when it comes to urinating for me. I drink a lot of water at work and sometimes it feels like I have to whizz every half hour, haha. And when I get home I have to whizz again.


That's the beginning of the witching hour. If you're experiencing that every night at that time, you're being set up for possession, lol.


I probably have it coming;)


Find me a woman over 50 that doesn't have light bladder leakage. Ugh.


To be blunt...I sneeze I squirt!💦 I laugh I squirt!💦 I cough I squirt!💦 I’ve had 2 bladder suspension surgeries to no avail. I’ve done the Kegel exercises until I’m blue in the face. The only thing the Kegel excercise is good sex!🤦‍♀️😌


I think all of Moviechat just blushed😆


You know me...I’m unable to contain myself at times. I think I blushed just thinking about it! 🥰 It’s been a very long time...sigh


My bladder issues right now are in conjunction with MS. I have a black hole in the part of my brain that controls the bladder. So yeah. I can pee 6 or 7 times in an hour and I pee a little when I sneeze.


Sorry to hear that. MS affects so many parts of the body. Annette (Mouseketeer) suffered with it for so long. Best wishes to you!




So sorry for your ailment. What an awful thing to have to deal with.


Thank you. Most of the time I feel lucky because it could be so much worse.


True. We should all remind ourselves of this. My ailments pale in comparison to what some folks are dealing with.


My cousin had MS. He was in so much pain he got hooked on opioids. Somehow He was having them delivered and money was no object. He took them until he passed out. One day he rolled off the sofa or fell out of his wheelchair. His wife found him face down...he had suffocated himself. Sad ending....


Oh, so sorry to hear this, Kspkap. Very sad. We often think we have it pretty bad, but there is always someone who is worse off. We complain, but we really should be thankful that things aren't worse.


My dad used to say similar words. “No matter how bad off you are, there’s someone else having it rougher.”

I’m in bed today due to an apparent sinus infection which concerns me as I have a rare malady Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia (HHT). I’m in a certain percentile which have hemorrhaging nosebleeds.

But, someone with MS is in much worse straits than I am.


That's one thing that isn't widely known about MS. It can be excruciating.


I'm so sorry you're dealing with this, Sslssg :(


Ugh. I feel like I'm begging for pity or something here. I'm not at all. I'm really doing well, and just did a new treatment so I'm very hopeful for the future. I was just trying to spread some awareness is all. I'm just fine. :)


I didn't think that at all, just wanted to acknowledge and express sympathy.

But I'm very happy to hear you're doing well, and have had a new treatment that looks very promising! 👍




Sorry for the pee problems.




Damn XD


I have that one! 😬 Not necessarily at 3, but yeah.

I've had this for many years, because I'm always drinking something, right up until the time I go to bed. Usually iced tea, but also lemonade, water, juice. What goes in, must come out 😄

I've tried not drinking anything for an hour or two before I'm ready to go to sleep, but it doesn't work.

Ditto, GE, on that urge not long before you've got to get up. I just get up and get it over with because it's a guarantee it's not going to go away until I do. Besides, if I don't, invariably I'll have dreams about trying to locate a bathroom, not being able to find out, or if I do, the bathroom is disgusting, and/or the doors are only 4' high. If there are doors!


Heart attack
Prostate cancer


Losing my hair , low sex drive and retiring with no money


All very valid worries, Captain. For years, I worried that I'd never be able to retire. But things worked out and I'm right where I'd hoped to be: retired with no rent or mortgage and enough income that I don't have to count every penny.


I’m also worried that if my health ever deteriorates I won’t be allowed to control my own diet


Diet is something I'd never considered, but you're spot on. It would drive me crazy to have no control over mine.


I get real anxious when I play softball too


I can speak to the hair loss. I am doing fine on the other two so far


I get scared that I’m the worst player on my team and that everyone thinks they would be better playing without me


I guess that, eventually, everyone becomes a liability rather than an asset. In the meantime, hang in there and keep fighting the good fight, Captain!


That’s not encouraging at all


Sorry, no. It's not, but sooner or later, we have to face it. I'm struggling with it now. One gets to the point of hoping to still be viewed as relevant.


I quit playing softball in my early twenties. I never considered myself a natural athlete although with repetition I can at least catch a ball, haha. I kind of regret it, though, because I imagine playing co-ed softball would be a good way to meet women in a healthy atmosphere. I'm not all that great at picking up chicks in bars. One would think it would be easy to meet people of the opposite sex but the older I get the less likely it seems. Spoke with a couple off 22 year old girls recently and I bet they trust that I'm not interested in them physically. One of them's father is 15 years younger than me !


Being a grumpy old man
Giving difficulties to people around me
While not even realize it


Going deaf
dying of a disease I didn't see coming and could have prevented


Wrong color on my coffin.
The slight possibility that hell is real.


Cancer is a big one.


I hope it might at least be one of the types lower on the suck list and not something like liver cancer which is apparently about the worst one you can have.


Pancreatic cancer isn't a "good" cancer to get, either.


For sure.


I think Alzheimer's is harder on the family than it is for the sufferer. Although, if it's detected early, and someone knows about it while having their faculties, that would be awful.
