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At what age will you stop working?

Be realistic. My husband retired from a company,started receiving social security and went back to work.. He's 70 now.


I really have no idea. Too far off at this point.

Is Mr. wheelin working for the same company that he retired from?


When he retired,he did to take of his father. After he passed away he had eye out for another job. He was bored not having something to do. He's very fortunate to be working where he is. The company really cares about their employees. He's paid well and the work he's doing now isn't hard in his body.


That’s great. It’s always nice to work for good people. My last job was like that and I was fortunate to have worked there.


Hopefully at 70




I can retire at 65 if I'm still alive. Probably wont be able to afford it so will just carry on till I drop most likely 😶


In the UK now, they keep changing the age a person can officially claim the state pension, raising it and raising it.

So now someone born in the year I was born is not going to be able to retire until a whopping age 72. Just short of that it would have been 67, but now it's looking like by the time I get to 67 it will have been pushed up to 72.

My dad died at 72, although he was fortunate to have been back in the day when he retired quite a bit earlier and so he got to enjoy some years of retirement before dying.

If I'm anything like the same I could be dead before ever being able to retire. Kinda makes ya want to end it all now and just be done with it...


when I die.


Already done, a couple of years sooner than I'd hoped, but I'm doing okay. Not a lot of money, but I can pay my bills and my time is my own. I'm rarely bored, but if I get that way I'm sure I can find something part time to keep me out of trouble.


i'm semi-retired at 49, and have been for a little over 3 years. i lead a very simple life, and have been able to save enough to sustain me for the rest of my life. i recently took on a part time job just to bring a little side money in, and if the opportunity came up i might work full time again, but it only be if i get an offer too good to refuse.
