MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Mosque massacre

Mosque massacre

I am ashamed to be Australian after hearing of a right wing Aussie nutjob killing dozens of people in a New Zealand mosque.

This piece of shit does not represent me or my fellow Aussies. The c*nt needs to rot in hell.


I haven’t heard of this but of course this cunt doesn’t represent you! Shit, I’m American. Not proud.
I’m sorry that happened. Humans are assholes.





Just reading about this, what an awful story.


No more awful than all the mass murders which Radical Muslim Terrorists have committed. Almost 3,000 on 9/11 alone.
This pales in comparison.



No more awful than all the mass murders which Radical Muslim Terrorists have committed. Almost 3,000 on 9/11 alone.
This pales in comparison.

And when the fuck did I say it was more awful than 9/11? As a nation we grieved for quite a long time over 9\11 and we never fully recovered. But saying things like this makes it sound like you're okay slaughtering innocent muslims that had nothing to do with 9/11. That's really shitty dude. Grow the fuck up.


Oh, touched a nerve there, didn't I? BTW, I just reported you. Have fun with the Mods.



If I broke any rules and they need to delete my post, so be it. I stand by my words that your seeming defense of the recent mass murder in New Zealand because it wasn't as bad as 9/11 is disgusting and you should be ashamed.


The truth hurts, doesn't it? Now you're going on the Ignore List where you belong.



Oh gosh no, not your ignore list! You mean now I won't get anymore responses where you barely try to conceal your racism?! I'm truly devastated.


Violence begets violence and it's always ugly.


Yes it does.



I don't understand why people who want to shoot up muslims can't just go to middle east and kill off some ISIS members, you would get your hate out and do the world a favor at the same time. Leave the innocent ones alone and focus on the radical ones.



Nothing i said in that sentence makes me a hypocrite.


They ISIS guys in the middle-east are not the ones who have migrated. The muslim migrants who are "taking over their country" pose the more immediate threat.


The isis rats are the ones who deserves it though.


No, it's also the ones raping western women, grooming their children in mass coordinated child rape gangs, committing arson, terrorism, murder, theft, battery...everywhere you look, every country with a higher density of Muslim becomes objectively worse.


Them too.


Amen! The countries with the highest density of Muslims are shit holes!



Why would they do that? The muslims in THEIR country are the ones causing problems.


All i'm saying is if you want to off muslims then pick the rotten ones.


An excellent point.





You're welcome.



This fool was too much of a coward. He chose unarmed people in a non-military setting, and deliberately chose a target-rich environment where the targets wouldn't be able to fight back. However the Aussies execute people, I hope they do it swiftly to this monster.


I was thinking that too, he was to chicken. Typical bully person. Choose the safest target which you know won't or can't do anything to defend itself. Very sad.



And make sure your kids subscribe too so they can be radicalised. Always best to get them when they are young!


The Smollett attackers wore MAGA hats too, remember?

This attacker was singing the praises of Pakistan one year ago, when he visited there.

This sounds like every walking right-wing cliche a liberal could come up with after a google search.

Try to keep an open mind.


And communist China was his favourite country in the world. This guy has identified himself with pretty much every ideology on the spectrum, but you already see people politicizing this tragedy anyway.


Some of his manifesto was even copied and pasted from other people on the internet.

It's a really bad hatchet job.



Sometimes I wonder why people feel the need to adhere to a religion that seems hostile to the environment they place themselves in. In the US, why do some women stubbornly keep their head scarfs when obviously this cultural climate does not require them to do so? And why do Muslims in NZ need to follow their old ways, have particular days when they need to gather and pray and build a building where they are the exclusive users, and follow yet more religious voodoo. I really dislike religious types.



A cross is a symbol of the oppression of women???

"its this sort of thinking that led to the massacre"

Absolutely idiotic reasoning.

EDIT: I'm a woman myself, why the fuck wouldn't I care about women??? I makes me cry seeing all those women in Iran who try to free themselves from the forced headcovering. You go ladies!



Another example of your limited logic and reasoning skills.

The cross simply symbolizes the death of Jesus, unlike the scarf that directly serves to cover women up. Totally different symbols.

Terrorists have killed millions in the name of Christianity in this century??? Proof, please!

Muslim terrorists have killed even more, but for some reason you are pleased to see a symbol of that religion in Congress???


Since when is a religion a race?

Jesus people like you are fucking stupid.


Honestly, who cares anymore? When a muslim terrorist killed 5 people at a Christmas market in Strasbourg, France in December, everyone had forgotten about it the next day.



Yes, that's really the to-go-to insult for you Soros troll bots. You've already shown throughout your posts that your logic and reasoning skills are extremely limited.


Or the Bataclan shooting, read up on what they did to those poor people, or the church in France where they beheaded the priest...all of it was gone from media in a short time.


Apparently we should all consider that the new normal.🤷‍♀️





It's just another terrible chapter in the continuing war between Muslims and Civilization, which has been going on for hundreds of years, if not thousands. And it will go on long after all of us are dead. The casualties will continue to mount, and there's absolutely nothing anyone can do about it. So get used to it, people. It's the new norm.

And is anyone really surprised that someone struck back against the Muslims? I'm not.

That's because Muslims, even ones who commit mass murder, are the darlings of the Left and the Media. The lying bastards in the Media do their best to ignore it, and then bury it.



The manifesto explains the motivation. He was adding wood to the fire. The intention was to get the MSM angry, call for more censorship and continue to blame the right, who will then react accordingly.

The manifesto was filled with bait for the MSM to feed off.
For example he refers directly to Spyro 3 as what radicalised him. Says he worked as a "kebab remover".
He ties in climate change with population, so part of his motivation was to help save the environment.
It is filled with these kind of troll post references.

Iv'e seen others call sarcastically call him an 'eco fascist.
Some who he shot were white, so he was not a racist, but he was obviously an idiot so who knows.

