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Can you be left-winger and still send your kid(s) to private school?


Because I see a lot of Hillary and Obama supporters, particularly in places like New York and California, send their kids to expensive private schools which are way out of the reach of most poor, working-class people, and many POC.

Maybe this says more about the Democratic Party than it does about the left, seeing as I don't particularly consider the DNC to be remotely left-wing (although many, bizarrely, do), but how can you be a socioeconomic elitist who buys advantages for your family, and still purport to be 'left-wing'?


There is no left-wing in the US.... Not since the 1940s.. Right-wing and right-winged lite --- elephants dressed up in jackass clothing.


I totally agree.

I think you and I are on the same page.

Still, I'd like to solicit views from people who don't agree with me, and for them to explain their position.


It would be nice if we could start with correct terminology/definitions, and THEN discuss.


I am a registered Democrat. I will overlook EVERYTHING in order to vote Democrat.


I'm proud of you. A long time ago on principle I registered as an Independent, but there is no way in hell I would vote for a repub. I think they should be embarrassed with the candidates they've been bringing up, and not just for Prez. All these big business sycophants will lie and cheat to get their way and further the wrong-wing agenda.


There's nothing we were doing in the 1940s that we aren't doing even more of today, and that includes fighting Nazis.


I don't see any disconnect between sending a child to private school and being on the left wing. There are plenty of ways to further good causes and assauge liberal guilt without using your child as a pawn.


So, make other's lives a bit better, but certainly not as good as yours?


If you want to single-handedly make the world a better place than the rest of ours, have at it.


Yes you can. Because being liberal ≠ communist.


I said 'left-wing', not liberal. But I feel we've all lost sight of what left-wing means these days. Some people think it means identity politics.


In regards to your OP what does left-wing mean?


Social Justice and fairness. Equal opportunities and a real commitment to equal outcomes.


Please explain "a real commitment to equal outcomes."


A commitment to reduce the wealth gap and ensure that everyone, irrespective of skills and education level, has a role in society.

Regarding every human-being as worthy.


A commitment to reduce the wealth gap and ensure that everyone, irrespective of skills and education level, has a role in society.

Regarding every human-being as worthy.

That’s Bernie Sanders. He wants to tax the rich, raise the minimum wage, force Wall Streeters to pay for public higher education, reform for profit prisons, eliminate the greedy middle man from the public medical industry and give medical to all.

Bernie Sanders.


I support some of Sanders' policies. I generally consider him to be a good guy, although I'm probably more of a left-wing moderate who believes in change by stealth.


Change by stealth: would you define that please?

Lol I’m sort of out of the loop on lots so if it’s a thing I’ve never heard of it.


By stealth I mean gradual change where we take conservatives with us, rather than via a full revolution that causes resentment.

I'm interested in bridging the political divide rather than alienating people. Conservatives and fascists aren't going to disappear, but by a softly-softly approach we can reform them.


Well, what if a president came along who they felt was radical or socialist or leftist or whatever and they hated him or her and cursed the election. But say this new president actually followed through on policy changes that the blue collar cons called commie or whatever. But the so called socialist reforms that took place made their lives much better in a couple of years.

Don't you think they'd ease up? I do.


Yes, but they'd only have four years to make those changes.

And policies notoriously take years to make an impact.

Obama's economic policies took years to boost the employment numbers, but Trump is the one, unfairly, taking credit for it.

I'm left-wing, but I'm also realistic.


Bernie pressured Amazon and Disney to pay $15/hr. I’ll bet those employees who called him a commie will now vote for him if he wins the primary.


Sadly, I wouldn't bet on it.

People can be ungrateful, and most of us are instinctively resistant towards social democracy, even when it’s clearly in our best interest (as it is so often).


It’s antiquated propaganda but I don’t disagree.


Animals kill each other in nature in order to survive.


I guess so
They all seem to do this if they have the money
'The Right' does the same

There are cities here in The States like New York or Chicago that lots of people really desire to live in
I can't blame a 'richy' of whatever political stripe for wanting to live in a cultural hub but sending the kids to a private school
Makes sense to me, political stuff aside


It strikes me as hypocrisy.

Then again, the right is hypocritical when it comes to 'moral' issues, like sex.

And the left is hypocritical when it comes to social justice issues, like fairness.


I don't think it's hypocritical to stand for social justice and send your kids to get the best education you can afford.

Bernie Sanders wants to pay for public college education with a Wall Street speculation tax. If you invest in the stock market you pay the tax. If you're rich and you can afford to go to a private university then go. That's not hypocritical.


Don't want to be contaminated by poor people?


Not the Trump zombies who are poor or rich.


I'm not a political guy
I just vote for the liar that makes the most sense

But I am a devoted daddy to two young ones
The kiddies are everything to me, they are to all of us I'm sure
Putting them in the best educational setting you can just makes sense to me


My brother and I went to private schools through eighth grade and I would say they are on the left, especially my mom.


No you can't. Obviously you can't be against classism if you're the one perpetuating classism. We recognize this clearly which is why politicians make it a point to send their kids to public school, at least while they're running for office.

But people are good at fooling themselves. It's easy to demonstrate. For example ask a leftist how it can be that private schools are better than public schools. Most will probably say something like "I wish public schools were better but Republicans have sabotaged them with budget cuts". Wrong. No school budget has ever been cut. We spend more on public schools per capita than any country in the world, $30,000 per student in major cities, which is more than almost all private schools. There's no magic reason that makes private better than public. All you're doing is segregating your kids from poor people, which is the most anti-social thing you can do. Now ask a leftist why they are against homeschooling. "It's anti-social!"

Leftists are also against charter schools. The whole point of leftism is to eliminate competition in order to protect their own high status positions. The two tiered system of public and private schools is the same system they want for health care. It eliminates any social mobility along a spectrum. You're either a have or a have not.


Yep, wealthy liberals want to ease their consciences, but ultimately they, and their children, are the ones who most benefit from a two, or indeed multi, tier system that favours private schools at the expense of poorer families and children. How can anyone who believes in such a system seriously describe themselves as 'left-wing'.


We sent our son to Catholic school because it is better than public school. Even though my wife is only a nominal Catholic.


Most people who send their children to faith schools are only 'nominal' in their faith.

I'm an agnostic. I'm open to the concept of a God. I have been the first to defend the rights of the religious not to be sneered at and demeaned by New Atheists, but I would not send my own children to a faith school on principle. It would be hypocritical of me, as an agnostic, to do so, since, on balance, I am a rationalist who doesn't believe in God.

But I know many people who are, or at least were before having children, much more sceptical and even opposed to religion than I ever was, who do now send their children to faith schools.

The hypocrisy is astounding.

Of course, I guess they're the ones winning out because they choose to sacrifice their values for the sake of self-interest. But, and maybe it's because I'm a hopeless idealist, I refuse to be defined by hypocrisy. I'm against faith schools (I feel they divide children) and private schools (likewise, plus they're classist) and I will not send my own children to one.


Similarly, I work for a public school system and am often gobsmacked by all the conservatives that can somehow do the mental gymnastics required to also work for such a sssssssssssssocialist organization...ahem.


Maybe they can't afford to send their kids to private schools.

I know a lot of blue-collar conservatives who despise the State, but haven't the means to access private education and health coverage.

Whilst I find such blue-collar cons frustrating (I see them as akin to turkeys voting for Thanksgiving), I don't find their hypocrisy quite as egregious or as harmful as that of some libs. In fact, as a progressive lib its's my political responsibility to feel sympathy for blue-collar cons, and black/Latinx cons, over spoiled, over-privileged, rich white libs.

That's what some of my fellow libs don't get. They think that when I favour and support poor and/or black cons over rich and white libs, it makes me less of a progressive liberal. I'd however argue that it in fact makes me more of a progressive liberal.


It's not that they're sending their kids to ssssssssssssocialist public school, though many of them do that too. It's that they themselves are working for a ssssssssssssssocialist public school district. They're my coworkers. It can lead to, shall we say, surreal situations.


And Ayn Rand colllected social security!
