My Vice Review

(this is the second time I'm putting this up because i accidentally titled it as My Glass Review and people got angry. Sorry Guys!)
I really liked this film. Bale was terrific as Cheney. Either him or Cooper should win best actor at the Oscars. Adams was given a meatier role than i anticipated. She's as brilliant as always in this film. Carrell gave one of his stronger dramatic roles. I'm surprised that Rockwell is getting awards buzz considering how small his role is. Carrell deserves the recognition more. McKay is a ballsy director who won't be everyone's cup of tea. Personally, i thoroughly enjoyed Vice and can't wait to see what McKay delivers next!
My Full Review:


My name is Jimmy and I am 8 years old. I saw a movie that was really cool. I liked all the cool people in it. I bet they had fun making it. I would like to meet them. The end.

Please go to my website and sign my guestbook.


Yeah well, that’s just like your opinion man.


The Green Book was probably my favorite of nominations so we likely have quite different taste.


Nothing wrong with that! I enjoyed Green Book but it just wasn’t one of my favourites of the choices. Great thing about film is that everyone has different opinions and perspectives of it. Thanks for the read!


The portrayals were good but I didn't like the movie in general.
