
Everyone has wondered where DeliciousFeet went.. . . .he/she went to Filmboards! I never knew about that site.


Been a member there for a while. He still posts here on the individual film trending board (Star Wars IX and Cool Hand Luke).



who ??




his "nephew"


Haven’t been to filmboards but I definitely miss DF. Funny guy, lots of personality. Seems quite anal retentive around here these days. He lightened things up.


he was irrepressible.


good dude.


yea. filmboards also has the imdb forum archive, and you can hook your profile up to it.

but i like this place better. don't ask me why. if there was one thing that could be done, it would be to hook up our posts to the imdb archive.

i've said that like 17 times already, please forgive.


fb reminds me of a frat house with a lot of fart jokes.


yes, we have a very nice community here. i very much appreciate the general intelligence & civility & humor of the folks who visit.

the other place seems kind of like a bus station.


A bus station with a lot of winos hanging around.


You nailed it, jriley! Thanks! 👏🏻


hownos, I stopped by over there earlier. I was correct calling it a cess pool. Just reading the OP’s titles on the General Discussion page made me want to take a shower! 🙅‍♀️🥴 I can’t believe our peacemaker MissMargo is posting on that garbage dump. I miss her. I miss Cat, Dazed and others who have left us.


misogyny/racism/homophobia/anti-semitism/fart jokes - they have it all covered over there.


Fart jokes can be pretty funny
The rest, not so much


I could tolerate the jokes about flatus, heck it’s a given for the laugh line in family friendly movies! But, and I’m not exaggerating, the OP’s thread titles made me uncomfortable🥵! Some of the screen names were salacious in themselves. I felt like I was! I am quite content here so here I will stay. We have our double entendre moments, but nothing to make us cringe. I’m far from being a prudish as I enjoy the back and forth between Stratego and Shoggie ☺️ plus the other wink wink posts.

So to all that have signed off MovieChat’s GD board....please come back...we miss you.


Salacious? You're too kind - that word sounds too soft, even though it also means obscene. Some of their names are downright vulgar.


You should have seen it before they "cleaned" the place up.


I did. 🚫


Really? You mean it came out of the sewer...into the gutter? Wow! Big improvement!🙇‍♀️


You’re right...too genteel for those that don’t understand the word.🤔 How about lewd, smutty, crude, vile, disgusting, filthy....and ignorant! Will those work?


Those are good. Also despicable, abhorrent, odious, execrable, appalling, detestable, repulsive, nasty, offensive, sleazy, repugnant, and just plain obnoxious. If these are what they're going for, they've succeeded. 🙄


I like yours better!👏🏻How did I miss repulsive and repugnant? 🤷‍♀️ Reading porn in words! 🤢


Well, it's easy to miss the easy ones! 😉


Ha! You do know they will be raking us over the coals in that swamp. I’m fairly certain it will be so. Oh well, I shall not worry about those who choose to be into the quagmire of smut. 🤮 Hmm? Execrable...good word of the day!


Yeah, well, there was a time when hownosy couldn't seem to make up his mind about whether he wanted Dazed to stay here or not and now Dazed, likewise over there, can't seem to decide if she's someone's friend or foe.

Go figure.


Hey db, haven’t seen you lately. Hope “everything” is OK or doing better. I was not aware Dazed is over at FB immersed in the cesspool. That place is beyond the pale! I was never quite sure where I stood with her, so I mostly stayed clear.


he is there, he is super nice and cool, i was about to leave fb til he showed up!


Dfeet is keeping it classy over there👍👍👍

Have you ever left someone an upper decker?

by Deliciousfeet » 18 hours ago(January 18, 2019 05:15 AM) Flag | Send PM | Reply |
Member since June 22, 2018
The act of defecating in the upper tank of the toilet. When the next poor unsuspecting person flushes the toilet they get a bowl of beef stew.I

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100% 7 votes


Good Grief! 🤮 Leave it up to DFeet to add more caca💩 to the septic tank known as Filmboards!




The only people who talk to him over there are the former moviechatters - Jimmy/Juror/whatever, Croft and Dazed. The Dazed reconciliation won't last long.
