Do you vote ??

We had municipal elections today and it is always a privilege to vote. I haven't missed one since turning 18. Even got my wife to vote.


i used to, but after listening to some of the arguments against it, particular the basic futility of voting in a first-past-the-post system, i am fairly adamant against it.

you're in ontario, i guess? i'm in winnipeg, and our municipal elections are wednesday. i definitely will not vote, and i actually often try to talk people out of voting.

i think there are many useful things you can do with your time & resources in a modern free economy & country. i don't think voting is one of them.


But Canadians want FPTP, at least according to the Grits.
(yes this is dripping with sarcasm)


I do.


Always, the polling station is about 100 yds away as well which is handy.


Voting is compulsory in Australia, so yes.


I have voted in every election since I was of age, however I never heard of compulsory voting until now.


what happens if you don't vote ?


I have no idea.


there's a $20.00 fine.


Wow! First they confiscate your firearms...then they compel you to vote! 🤔 Sounds like Australia is becoming less of a free by the government and not by the people. Love you Aussies, but no thanks! At one time I thought it would be a great place to live.


Voluntary voter turnout must have been low in Australia, I assume, to pass that kind of law. Hopefully, access is easy for the few who live in the outback.


It's not a great place because we have compulsory voting?


Voting should be a *right* in a free country...not a compulsion. Irony of ironies there are those living in state dictated countries fighting for the right to vote using a purple finger to a pencil. It bears repeating...first they confiscate your firearms...then they force you to vote? What’s wrong with this picture? And frankly I don’t want people who *continue* to take from the government coffers without paying into the

Some info:


We have had compulsory voting since the 1920's and (some) firearms were confiscated due to democracy, not in spite of it.


Australia may be a democracy, but the USA is not. We are a Representative Republic....or that’s what our forefathers envisioned. We are fast becoming a Socialist Democracy.

Did the people vote for The Firearms Act or was it government sanctioned?


It was voted for.


OK. I prefer, or used to, our form of government. As a Christian I can’t help but recall Christ was sentenced to death by a democracy.


Yes I do. And not afraid to say who for. On Nov. 6 I am voting a straight Republican ticket. In 2020 I am voting for Trump. There is not a Democrat out there that is not a piece of crap.


Even though election day is still 13 days away, I took part in early voting and voted today at the Palm Beach County Library in West Boca.


Yes, it's compulsory here in Australia. I'll get fined if I don't


Wow. It's part of exercising your patriotic duty, I take it? Did not know that.


Even if it wasn't compulsory, of course I'd still vote. Though it doesn't seem to hold weight here. We've had way too many revolving Prime Ministers who get the flick from from their party


Yes, I do, both local and national elections. Yes, it's a privilege and I take it seriously.


Excellent point, Glen. Not voting is essentially telling any government that one might as well not be able to vote, contributing to the fall of freedom and democratic institutions. Those ideals are lost.


Every time I step into that voting booth I think of all the people in the world who wish they had the same privilege. And (knock wood) we don't have to fear being blown up at our polling places.
