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I am starting a new religion

I am starting a new religion. Son is Better than the Father. Jesus is better than Father God. Jesus>God. I call it 'Jesusism'. How do I start this religion? You"d have to keep in mind that Jesus, God"s Only Begotten Son, sacrificed himself for his Father, and Father has done no such thing for this world, or any world, nor for his creation. Indeed, Son is Better than the Father.


Try the Prometheus boards, there's some folk there who will give you tips into duping people into believing in nonsense.


I believe evolution is nonsense.


You can choose to believe whatever you want.


Touche, Reality!



Yes, the haters will try to convince sane people that obsession over one movie and its fans is normal, healthy behavior ;)


Because we all know normal, healthy behaviour comes from repeatedly calling people "Retard", "Idiot" or "Moron" for questioning a movie which we can't qualify in any manner. I particularly liked your treatment for the potential follow up to Prometheus. What was it again?

Oh that's right, Rex Harrigan stood aloft his ship's bridge and said "Make it so!" and the crew all danced around him and sang "For he's jolly good fellow" before he snogged each of them...oh no, wait. That's that Black Mirror episode which parodies socially inept, narcissistic cry-bullies like yourself.

Being a progressive male ally to feminism in 2018...How's that working out for you? πŸ™„


Sorry, but retards get called retards, RETARD.

Thanks for proving once again what a petulant little prick you are.



Wow, that's a new low for you, but thanks for continually proving what a terrible person you really are.

You really must be drunk, it's when your real side comes out.


Sober as a judge Spanners.

Just seeing someone who is all for women's rights but has a penis makes me think that you'll go and do the dirty like you did before (By your own admission I might add).

No low, just regurgitating what you've admitted to in the past with a new slant on the progressive kink you've inherited which always shows up to be bad news.

Real men don't side with feminists, we listen, we try and help and we get berated for it but we certainly understand that there's a line which shan't be crossed and you, my friend, are well over it which can only mean you're sniffing out for who is in heat.


"No low, just regurgitating what you've admitted to in the past"

Looks like it was too low for the mods. Post is gone. Oh and I've admitted to rape? Brand new lies brought into the game, shamelessly.

You're sick, dude. You're exactly the sociopath I've always pointed out.

"Real men don't side with feminists"


"there's a line which shan't be crossed"

Harry the dictator, once again making demands on what I should say and do. You call me a narcissist and then you go demanding everyone behave the way you feel they should, as if your opinion is gospel.

You're the simplest kind of hypocrite.

"you, my friend, are well over it which can only mean you're sniffing out for who is in heat."

You're really sad. Now all your sick thoughts reduce down to basic bodily functions, which is VERY telling and says so much about you and how simple-minded you are. What a dullard you truly are.

Oh, and sniffing out who's in "heat" on a random message board with people all over the world? That doesn't seem very productive, does it?

Obviously you have no concept of why a man might be moved to combat misogynists who give men a bad name.

You probably can't conceive of that because you're probably one of the men who give us a bad name. Considering you LEAPED from badmouthing Prometheus to mentioning rape and sex (even equating women with ANIMALS in heat), for literally no reason at all, I think that proves my point. You're definitely a misogynist too.

You're really sick. You might want to get mental help, literally. Seriously.


I could quote you and type up a full reply but there really is no need.

Statutory rape is still rape Spanners. It's by no means always terrible and often it is with two people of a similar age thinking that they are consenting with each other but minors cannot legally consent, ergo rape.

As for the rest; sure I'm a Nazi, Klan membership carrying, women hating, xenophobic, racist, bigoted *Insert whatever else you wish to* if that means I'm not on the same team as you because your team are short sighted liars. That's not to say you are, just that there's an incredibly high chance that those who also share your team and have a Y chromosome will likely be sexual deviants and take advantage of vulnerable women who trust their male allies as friends and not predators.

As for going from Prometheus to rape and sex...did you see Alien by any chance?

Giger's art uses the basis of sex, birth and death as the foundations of his works.


[–] Reality (975) 7 hours ago



I noticed.

Thanks for pointing it out though Finker!


Did you get a warning? What did it say? First warning?


I didn't get a warning as it wasn't in the realm of warning material.

I can see why someone might ind it inappropriate but the person to whom I was addressing saw the message prior to going to their bed.


Statutory rape is still rape Spanners.

Ah, there's the self-justification. I like how you pretend those terms aren't actually two completely different things.

So we're playing word games to make false equivalencies now? FUN! I can do better than that: I'm going to claim that "radio activity" is the same thing as "radioactivity"!

But see, now your original question about "this year" becomes two separate questions:

1. Have I been with someone who is below the age of consent this year? No, I haven't done that since I was 19 in the mid-90's.

2. Have I been with someone who is a few years younger than me this year? No, not this year, but I did in 2016. Granted, we're talking about someone in their 30's.

So now let's review. You play the victim once again, as you have for years, because I insulted a message board troll who clearly deserved it.

Meanwhile, you pretend to have the high ground, when you have done all of these:

1. Obsessed for years about demanding fans of a movie justify their appreciation of it to you, while ignoring all answers (such as my detailed descriptions of how the movie pays homage to and subverts so many tropes of sci-fi and horror in a neat package)

2. Stalked and doxxed

3. Harrassed and encouraged harassment

4. Made a fake Facebook account that was someone else's identity

5. Launched vicious and disgusting verbal attacks against the family members of a "friend" of yours solely to frame me for it, using the above-mentioned Facebook account

6. Made lewd comment(s) about my sister

7. Now have falsely insinuated I'm a rapist

Yes, Harry, you certainly have the moral high ground.

You're a repugnant sociopath, and I'm done trying to let this all go in order to move forward and communicate with you on a more friendly and fun level. You obviously can't take that for very long, and thrive on conflict you create.

You keep bringing it back to that level, so it will stay at that level.


"Meanwhile, you pretend to have the high ground, when you have done all of these"

1) Nope. I, and others, got called a "Retard", "Moron" and "Idiot" for questioning lots of things which happened in a movie which we thought were farcical by you and others. No answers as to why you can claim these things have ever been forthcoming.

2) Nope. I certainly found where an image that you posted was held and from that found another image with you in it which I posted completely elsewhere and with a relevant macro meme styled (For the time) tone which would have went unnoticed by all until you ran to the Prometheus boards and doxxed yourself.

3) I have harassed you yes. I've harassed you for why you think you can call people "Moron", "Retard" or "Idiot" for questioning a movie as silly as Prometheus. I've never encouraged it. I think that was just other people who shared my outlook. I also looked out for you when people were calling you a racist for you "Troll Party" image, try not to forget that. I'm firm but fair Spanners.

4) Nope and I told you too to take that shit to the police as it seems criminal to my mind if true.

5) That's actually still point 4 and my response to that still stands.

6) I believe you said you and your sister had some sort of sexual exploration experiences as a child. The most I ever said about that is not to tell the world about it as people could find out who she is and that's not a cool move and also to perhaps see a professional about it if you feel the need to share with strangers who know your identity.

7) You have admitted to statutory rape in the past Spanners. I'm not insinuating anything here I'm merely repeating back to you what you have openly disclosed. I even gave you some leeway earlier when I mentioned that it's usually seen as consensual as two people of a similar age consider themselves to be consenting. A 19 year old and a 15 year old is nothing like a 21 year old and an 18 year old in the eyes of the law - I'm sorry about that but that's just the way it is legally. I didn't bring up you selling weed at the time and sharing smokes with her prior to it all being legal did I?


What is going on in this thread?


Only the good stuff Finker, only the good stuff.

Both Froggy and I are fully aware and consenting to this, this is how we love each other.

I understand it's not conventional nor discreet but this is how it must be.


That's great. I'll add more verses to the Holy Bible of Jesusism later.


Oh and FYI, you're completely wrong on this: "Statutory rape is still rape Spanners." I can prove this with a basic legal argument.

Many (most?) states and many countries have a marriage exemption to age of consent laws. With parental permission, a minor can get married to an adult, and once married, the minor is legally allowed to consent to relations with the adult spouse.

The actor Michael Rooker made headlines a while back when he married a 16 year old girl. So, once they are married, statutory rape is literally IMPOSSIBLE between them (yet if she cheats on her husband, the home-wrecker will be guilty of statutory, which is just nuts).

However, at the same time, spousal rape can and does still happen. Marriage is not implied consent. People can and do go to prison for raping their spouses when they refuse to take no for an answer.

Thus, in a marriage between an adult and an underage spouse, statutory rape is impossible and yet rape is still possible.

As you can see, they are legally defined as two completely different concepts.

But you often have no clue what you're talking about, so it's not surprising to see it happening again.


That's cool and all Spanners.

I didn't know you had married the girl.

My bad!


No, Finker. You're not. You're not strong enough.


It's an original idea for a new religion. Someone who is strong enough should implement this potential goldmine.



"I will not feed trolls"


you just did


Go away.


How does this new religion of yours look upon naked chicks?


Bang them wherever you find them


I'm in! πŸ‘




He actually sacrificed himself for mankind...and you just got this little tidbit of information from an atheist...


Yes he sacrificed himself for his Father's Creation Mankind, most of whom are utterly evil.


Dude! That sounds like a sentence out of a KILLER plot outline!!!


Name of that movie?


Another religious zelot,how many are thereπŸ€”


He's a troll and an idiot.



But Jesus is better than the Father. Prove me wrong.


I know Jesus. He makes great tamales. Count me in!


He was poor. He was jealous of rich people.


Only a complete idiot immediately sucks up to such an obvious troll.


Obvious trolling because i think Jesus is better than his father?


You don't really think or believe that, hence you're the one obviously trolling. You're too obvious ! Dare to emerge from you momma's basement once you've acquired a small segment of genuine intelligence, if that's even possible.


Jesus is indeed better than his father, even if he said he wasn't, because God told him to sacrifice himself for the good of his creation. Jesus was brainwashed into doing all his father's work. Jesus was crucified, not his father. I won't respond to your generic insults because you are obviously a christian who finds this new religion an affront to his religion. Am i a heretic ?


Only an idiot immediately thinks a joke in a joke topic is "sucking up"


I don't have any problem accepting being perceived as less than a "complete idiot. " πŸ™„


You are insulting everyone in this thread. If you don't agree with the thread topic then don't come back to it. Simple as that. I can easily attack you back but nah i am enjoying your reaction.


Oh , you won't respond to any of my " generic insults " and yet you just did, twice ! πŸ˜† Like I said, you're so transparent.


I know how to insult someone. You are trying to derail this thread. Won't work. Jesusism is the new world religion. Jesusism > Christianity


You deliberately create a controversial thread and then obfuscate what should be interpreted as simple disagreement and label it as derailing.

Come back to the table when you've acquired some real grey matter as I stated previously, junior ! πŸ™„πŸ˜†


You are not disagreeing and giving counter-arguments. You are just insulting everyone in this thread because you find it controversial. I am sure atheists and agnostics and non-christians don't find this topic as controversial as you do.

Now back to the topic. Is Jesus better than his Father, or is he not? Yes i have read the bible verse he says that Father is greater than he is, but still, Jesus was the one who performed miracles. He was the one who died for our sins. Father God did no such thing. Father God created the devil, keep that in mind. Jesus is pure goodness. Father God is obviously evil. Hence, here's a new verse, and beginning of a new Bible of the followers of Jesusism:

Chapter 1

Verse 1: The Son is Greater than the Father, for he sacrificed himself for us, and his father did not.


No, you continue to obfuscate. I'm insulting " everyone? " Then why is it you're the only one who keeps responding with self-righteous indignation? Because you're the only one offended ! You're a joke. Get a life.


Verse 2: Evil Father Created this Evil Material World Where His Only Begotten Son Was Crucified, and Father God did not interfere while all of this was happening. Jesus is not of this world. Father is of this world, as he created and operates this world.


You're a nut case with ' daddy issues. ' Go resolve them with L. Ron Hubbard.


Verse 3: His Father Forsook him. And Jesus Wept.


Yeah, you just proved my point and I'm done with your attention whore getting ass !


Verse 4: They mocked him. They laughed at him. He cried out to his father. His Father did not answer, while he suffered alone for his Father's World and his people. Jesus was forced to sacrifice himself by his Father. And his Father did not care.


πŸ™„ Ta, ta, troll.


Verse 5: And Jesus said to them, " I belong to my father, the devil, and I want to carry out my father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. "


Verse 6: Whoever is not of this world suffers as he goes through various trials and tribulations. Whoever is of this world enjoys it a lot. This world is inherently evil, and evil forces rule upon it. Father is Evil. Father is Satan. Father rules this evil material world. The Demiurge.


Ha, ha ! Keep baiting, troll.

The username of Finker has such a negative connotation to begin with.


Verse 7: For the Lord God is Satan, and Satan is God. Because God is the Light and the Darkness of this World. He is both good and evil. Jesus is his good side. Satan is his bad.


Verse 8: The true believers in Christ suffer, as they are prepared to suffer a lot for Jesus, for they don’t belong to this world, like their Lord Jesus Christ, who is better than his father the demiurge who created him.

Verse 9: Prepare for harsh realities, because the true believers in Christ will always suffer. Because suffering is for the strong. And if you are not prepared to suffer, then become one of them, the evil ones. Then your life shall be easier in this world. But you shall perish eternally because of losing your soul in this world.


And a pseudo intellectual to boot !


I know that i know nothing.


Oh, aren't you just so cute and clever ? πŸ™„


it is tax exempt so good luck


Really? Do i need to make sermon on a hill top? Do i need to rehearse it?


apply to the IRS


Thanks buddy. I am getting serious about this project. I needed that.


don't get me wrong, I hate Evangelism and the scumbags who stand up there and preach the word of god to their sheep who pour out their hard earned money so that these phony bastards can make millions and wear $1500. shoes and $5000. suits and live in mansions,
and as far as the Fink, he couldn't start a lemonade stand, no way anyone is going to listen to this idiot about a new religion,
but one has to wonder, why did the most powerful person in the universe let his only son get tortured and killed
for others that have sinned? couldn't he come up with a better plan than that?


"and as far as the Fink, he couldn't start a lemonade stand, no way anyone is going to listen to this idiot about a new religion,"

how would you know that? Projecting, are we?

"but one has to wonder, why did the most powerful person in the universe let his only son get tortured and killed
for others that have sinned? couldn't he come up with a better plan than that?"

Jesus, God's Only Begotten Son, sacrificed himself for his Father, and Father has done no such thing for this world, or any world, nor for his creation. Indeed, Son is Better than the Father.


No religion is the best option. It causes wars, killings, oppression, hate, etc. Who needs that?
