MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Shock of my life

Shock of my life

My own sister stole from me...and further more,my mother knew what she did and said nothing.After what i did and sacrificed for my family...this is what i get!?

I'm sorry,dear raiders...but i had to discharge somehow...i can't express in words what i feel right now.


That's so horrible and I'm sorry that happened to you. Nothing hurts worse than betrayal especially when it's a close relative.


She thinks that she didn't anything wrong...


People don't like to think of themselves as being bad, so they rationalize their actions. It sounds like your mother may have helped her in that regard.


They worked together and the worst thing is that the money weren't even mine.


That's horrible, croft! It might be time to take a break from your family for a while, as harsh as that sounds.


Sorry to hear that, croft.
Did she apologize? Is she willing to pay you back?
I think it's sad when there is a rift in a family concerning money. In this case, maybe it is time to step back and break from them for a while.


No,she didn't apologize...she thinks that it's normal what she that moment when i asked them what hapened with the money,i almost lost my calm...she said to me that the money were spent,on what i still don't know...
