MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Am I the only one who is ok with guns?

Am I the only one who is ok with guns?

I voted for Hillary. Basically a democrat. But I do agree with somethings with republicans say. Like drugs are bad mmmkay? And people gotta calm down with all their craziness about how 'unique' they are.

But mostly about guns. I mean EVERY TIME and I mean EVERY TIME there is a shooting Dems are all like 'we gotta ban guns, at least some guns etc..." And I'm like, what's the point? They will obtain them ILLEGALLY. And then leave innocent people in a bad position.

Funny how the Dems are 110% OK with legalizing weed. Their 'reasoning' being "well they will do it anyways, we might as well tax and regulate it." But guns OH NO! Destroy them all!!! Huh?

LOL you know, you can PRINT 3D guns. I mean, you can't ban sh!t. If anything people need to START arming themselves. Imagine if a lot of the people WERE armed, when our latest dear shooter, lol, decided to shoot up the place? Would he not *ucking think twice? You know WHY he shot up the place so FREELY? Cuz he COULD. It was like shooting fish in a barrel. No one can defy him.

Reminds me of bullies, why do they do it, cuz they can. IF most people had guns he would not even ATTEMPT this sh!t. He would just be like 'I'd get shot by the person in the room next to me.' It's like when they scared parents of letting their kids play outside. Kept them in. THEREFORE CREATING THE PROBLEM. If there are a bunch of people/witnesses in the streets no one would dare pull some sh!t. Yes there are whack jobs out there. But really, they made it worse. Now the one kid that plays out side is really in danger.

It's stupid really. I also notice people in southern gun loving states are more polite. In the gun hating blue states, people are so crass and quick to run their mouth. Why? One idea I have is cuz they can of course. They don't have to worry about getting shot. But you better believe if someone has a gun you think twice. Maybe they will shoot you.

My last argument is look at countries have banned guns 100%. They are dictatorships. People NEED the gov to be sacred of them it's called checks and balances. No offence. Not trying to go to extremes. But just because one guy went nuts that does not mean we gotta ban all guns and sh!t. It's like that Aurora attack. People assumed anyone that likes bat man must be a shooter. People are making correlations that don't exist imo.


Ever since the tragedy in Las Vegas, people bring up gun control.  I'm not nuts about guns but I understand the right to have one. What I think is lost in the conversation is common sense. Guns are here. They're not going anywhere. Automatic weapons are a different animal. They're just for killing people. These should only be available to the military and law enforcement. The 2nd amendment should not include this weapon.  Sure they're legal. Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's right


Well, this is the best time to talk about gun control. One of the problems is the fact that gun control isn't discussed nearly enough here in the United states.


All respect but I feel like its talked about constantly...kind of tired of it tbh...
People get shot over here a lot...i agree its pretty sad and im not making light of these horrible crimes
But what do we do...accept that the GOV'T knows best and just turn in our iron?? The assholes on the Left AND the Right are gonna guide us like were peasants in medieval Europe?
Fuck that
America is based upon the idea that every American is BORN with natural rights (religious freedom, free speech, etc)
NOBODY takes our guns...
Thats the road to true crime waves and dictatorship
No way buddy
All due tespect seem pretty cool


Hi, ShogunofYonkers. Thank you very much for your compliment to me, and accepting the fact that I have a different opinion than you and lots of other people on this board regarding gun safety and gun control.

Nobody's looking to take anybody's guns away from them. What gun-control advocates such as myself believe is that guns should be more regulated, in terms of the numbers manufactured, and more extensive and intensive background checks and screening of prospective purchasers of firearms, and many gun-control advocates, including myself, also realize that an all-out ban on guns is an impossibility, due to the omnipotence (powerfulness) of the NRA and the Gun Lobby.

More dealers should refrain from selling firearms to people with a history of anger-management issues, mental health issues, a history of substance and alcohol abuse, and a history of emotional instability when such a person's names come up on the dealers' computers. There should be firm rules against selling to such people, and rogue gun dealers, as well as other dealers who refuse to comply with such rules should be forced out of business.

Also, I stand by my opinion that gun manufacturers should be required to install tamper-proof locks in guns to prevent unauthorized use of a firearm in the event that it's either lost or stolen. The fact that the NRA and the Gun Lobby have consistently bullied various lawmakers here in the United States from implementing such simple gun safety laws as that is rather disgusting. What's equally galling, however, is the fact that most lawmakers here in the United States, from the President on down, have never, ever had the gumption to stand up to the NRA and the Gun Lobby's bullying tactics.

For anybody who thinks that Barack Obama is taking their guns away: I've never been a big fan of Barack Obama either, but the fact is that nobody's guns are being taken away. The Brady Commission flunked Obama on gun control.


What I think. People should be able to own a gun if they want to.

What I also think. Automatic weapons should not be allowed.

Facts. USA has a huge problem with mass shootings, you guys don't even need religious terrorism, you have your own built in nuts who take care of that.

Facts. The idea is that people want/need guns in order to protect themselves but the reality is that so far there hasn't been one situation where you say "Oh you see that? Thanks to that republican owning 10 machine guns, this massacre was adverted!" These guys think they will be some kind of Rambo hero one day, where a terrorist is going to go into a shopping mall and they will pull out their arsenal out of their pants and destroy every single last one of them themselves while singing the national anthem.

In fact, I cannot think of a bigger situation in which a man/woman would be armed and ready to defend themselves than a country music concert in nevada yet this is where the worst mass shooting happened. In other words, owning guns wont help you when a nut like this decides to go GTA on everyone.

Owning a pistol will help you keep your home safer in case of intruders, so I believe people should be allowed to buy guns to protect themselves and their families.


I don't think that the idea of using a gun for self-defense is a good one, CyberVerm. The fact is that, like any weapon, a gun can be taken away from a person and used against him or her. Secondly, there's always somebody who'll be quicker on the draw than the gun owner. shooting just begets more shooting. s


Automatic weapons have been illegal in the US since 1986. And the 2nd amendment was written with military grade weapons in mind.

The conversation about guns is silly and does not address the problem with the insanity/evil of the psychology of someone that does this. If someone blows up a building killing 186 people and injury 600 more do we talk about banning fertilizer? If someone runs of 60+ people with a semi do we talk about banning trucks. The tool an evil person uses doesn't matter. In fact the nice thing about a gun is we can usually identify and eliminate the shooter before they do relevantly greater damage. Imagine if the Vegas shooter had taken the time to finish the bombs in his car and drive it into a large crowd. Probably far more dead. Mass shooters use the guns because it is the easier/quicker method but it is also much less effective. The reason our military had such a hard time in Iraq and Afghanistan was because of explosives not machine guns.


Yours is one of the more intelligent replies here.
I call myself a liberal conservative. My views are primarily conservative but when it comes to gun control, I feel much like you do. I whole heatedly agree that common sense is in short supply when it comes to the stark contrasts of extreme liberals and conservatives.
I would like to hear a sensible argument as to why ordinary citizens need "automatic" weapons, much less a stockpile of them including accessories to fire off massive rounds without reloading.
My feelings are that there is essentially no real difference between "semi" automatic weapons and AUTOMATIC weapons. Semiautomatic is simply a weapon with the same potential capabilities and (much to) easy conversion.
Automatic weapons are supposedly banned (which shows that certain gun control measures are possible); but such bans do not extend to semi automatic weapons or the accessories. This is just stupid.
As to whether or not gun control helps prevent tragedies will always be a point of disagreement but easy access to such weapons should not be possible.
As you said, such weapons should only be available to military and upper level law enforcement.


Due to the omnipotence of the NRA and the Gun Lobby, I realize that an all-out ban on guns would not be realistically possible, but guns here in the United States need to be more regulated. One big reason that these mass-shootings have occurred is because guns, especially automatic assault weapons (which definitely should be banned!), are far too accessible here in the United States. Why is it okay for somebody to shoot another person just simply for running his/her mouth off? It's not, as far as I'm concerned, and that's where I have the problem with the idea of people carrying guns everywhere they go. I'd hate to have to worry about somebody turning around and shooting me if I spoke to them about either blocking my view of the screen in the movie theatre, or telling them to turn off their cellphone and stop talking/texting on it, because it's too distracting.


assault weapons are banned in the US. since 1986. And gun regulations are absolutely as much as they can be. There is no other industry that is so heavily regulated. The Vegas shooter violated dozens of gun regulations; what more regulations would have helped.

The problem I see here with many people is they are speaking from ignorance and really just do not like guns and want to see them gone. But banning them, which is your goal whether you admit or not, is only going to take away legal weapons. The vast majority of shootings are with weapons that were obtained illegally. You would only be disarming citizens that have no intention of ever using their weapons illegally.


Here's another point, mxpowers43: Societies and cultures that depend on and revolve around the gun (as the United States does and has since day one) have much higher murder and suicide rates, because guns are so much easier to use than other weapons, because they're just picked up, aimed towards, and fired at their target from a distance, whereas, when one wants to stab, strangle, or beat somebody up, they have to be right up close to the person in order to do so.

Moreover, a bullet inflicts much more intensive and more extensive damage, and is even more likely to kill somebody, partly because bullets travel at a much greater velocity, and partly due to the fact that they're made with metal, which can and will shred within a person.


Its the price we pay over here tho...
AND i agree its tragic (no disagreement there at all!)
But im not letting a government that ONLY exists because i have mostly agreed to it (under protest) to exist to DICTATE terms...


I stand by my opinion that guns here in the United States need to be more regulated than they are. That's for the better of our society as a whole, and it would save many lives.


Regulations ARE in effect and i dont know one fellow hunter/plinker/shooting fan that disagrees with those laws...of course we have rules and can they be even MORE regulated?!?
Sheesh dude!


The trouble is that the laws that are in affect aren't strict enough, which contributes a great deal to why we've had so many of these mass shootings. As a society and culture, we're seeing the net result of too-lax gun safety and control laws, especially right now.


I only use knifes and a bow...


Murdoch, I'm coming to get YOU.


Stay in the line,please...Lara have many enemies,mate😉


Agree with most of what you say. I also cite bullies in my discussions about gun control and dictators. The little fat guy in North Korea can't be reasoned with because he is a bully that never had the tables turned on him during his life. Sure, a guy can be a bully in school but then he has to go out into the world to survive and that means learning how to get along with others.


Yet, guys who are bullies in school while growing up don't always straighten up and fly right, either, BiffGG. At least as often as not, they come up to be mean adults, and don't fare that well out in the real world. One guy I knew who was a bully became a severe alcoholic, another ended up a heroin addict who served a jail term for stealing in order to obtain heroin, and another guy ended up with Alzheimer's disease and had to be put in a home, by his two grown children.

Some people argue that bullies end up getting theirs eventually, and in all three of the above-mentioned instances, that's been true.


Even Mussolini was a school bully that got expelled from school for stabbing a student, and we all know how that guy turned out from there...


Yeh, but he didn't live long. He finally got his, as did Hitler.


There is a better chance that a bully will change his (or her) ways if somebody pushes back versus a bully never having any push back as is the case with little Kim. The moment of realization of "Gee, I never knew how hurtful I am" seldom comes without pushback. I would still say that bullies who got it back and changed their ways is a larger group than those who got it back and kept on bullying.


Sometimes, bullies do need to be resisted and pushed back against, whether it's somebody in the schoolyard or hallway, or a bullying boss or whoever, or even a co-worker or neighbor who bullies. I know, because I've had to stand up to bullying bosses, neighbors and co-workers.


"I mean EVERY TIME and I mean EVERY TIME there is a shooting Dems are all like 'we gotta ban guns, at least some guns etc..." And I'm like, what's the point?"

I'm not seeing that. Gun control is already a fact. The conversation this time is about bump stocks. I haven't seen anyone talking about banning all guns. That must be your own interpretation given to you by the anti-Obama crowd and their fears.

"Funny how the Dems are 110% OK with legalizing weed. Their 'reasoning' being "well they will do it anyways, we might as well tax and regulate it." But guns OH NO! Destroy them all!!! Huh?"

The reasoning for legalizing weed is that most people want it legalized. We live in a democracy, you know. ALSO, weed isn't harmful. Arresting people for weed IS harmful. It's really basic stuff here.

You really don't sound like you have much of a grasp on the issues, AT ALL. You have like a 13 year old's conception of this stuff. I hope you're not a voter.

Also, yeah I'm fine with guns, and I'm fine with gun control. They work well together.




wow they are deleting my responses, since people can't handle them! this site has really gone to the dogs sad :(


Woof! 🐕



To be fair we ARE a pretty big deal Dazed;)



Yep, there and elsewhere;-)



Yeah. Don't try to control gun use. It might reduce pointless deaths at the expense of a few bozo's phallic fixation with them.


You lost me at weed...
How does weed even relate to guns? You can't do much damage with weed.

The "if everyone had guns he would have been stopped quicker blah blah blah" argument is such an illogical weak argument. If everyone at that massacre had guns, more people would have been injured and/or killed. Nobody would have known who the bad guy(s) were - it literally would have just been everyone shooting each other.

Obviously there's going to be criminals who will obtain guns illegally, does that mean every gun should be legal and everyone should just get one or even multiple? no.
There should still be strict gun control policies in place, including thorough tests before obtaining a gun and then further tests every so often.

There's news of gun related incidents everyday in America... if you think that's normal then, i don't know what to say.

I really hope this was just a troll post because, holy fucking shit. Not even one good point.



one non semi-automatic pistol allowed per household
ban and scrap all semi-automatic weapons


Rash knee jerk reaction......

please look to dictatorships around the world and they have similar laws.....

i mean maybe this is a troll? LOL

Would be lovely if people were to do even 5 minutes of research instead of making CRAZY stuff up like this. What if 5 people live in 1 house. Only ONE of them can be fully protected? Please use what is between your ears.


Japan/canada/australia/uk are not dictatorships


"You lost me at weed...
How does weed even relate to guns? You can't do much damage with weed."

- Not my fault you are an idiot that can't understand a simple argument. Nah, no one is THAT stupid, you are probably a troll. I guess this site has also gone to the dogs. Damn. Well at least there are a few decent people on here, not you of course LOL


Wow, looks like we've got a good candidate for the ignore list.



2nd Amendment works for give you one good point. You all are missing the point. The gun(s) is an object which needs an external force to make it work. A truck in Nice, France took out 86 people. The truck was the weapon which needed an external force to send it on its journey. Box cutters and planes were the weapons of choice to murder over 3,000 people; both needed an external force for them to operate. A bomb is a weapon of choice, be it fertilizer or a pressure cooker which needs an external force to create wanton destruction and death.

Listed above are many weapons used to murder. What do they have in common? An external force which happens to be something you would scrape off your evil human killing machine hell bent on causing as much death and destruction as possible before leaving this place we call earth.

A gun is an inanimate object. Stop with anti-gun rhetoric and start blaming the one who is making the gun work. As you blamed the truck driver, the scum with box cutters, the poor excuse of a human being who mixed and detonated a fertilizer bomb, the ungrateful brats who made a pressure cooker bomb. Maybe then you anti-gun folks will come up with some reasonable thoughts.




But, something has occurred in society, our culture, our psyche. We have to find that “something” which made it OK in this evildoer’s mind to rain down the carnage he did. Until we get past blaming the object used for that carnage it’s going to occur again and again. If not guns, the evildoer will find the means to an end. No amount of restrictions would have stopped that piece of trash. Did you read about what he had planned with other objects....not necessarily with guns? Bomb making materials, a Napalm like substance, etc. were found. Without a doubt, he would have found a way to slaughter as many as possible without using the gun. Timothy McVeigh did....using fertilizer.

BTW, most of the liberal press, late night hosts, and Democrats ARE blaming the gun over the shooter. Guns are here to stay. We have a 2nd Amendment in this country. Of course common sense restrictions are needed. Except for the military and LE no civilian should have a need for a fully automatic weapon.

You might find the following an interesting read:


The fact remains, kskap, that guns are not only designed and built to kill people and do precisely that, but that guns are far too accessible and easy to obtain here in the United States. If it wasn't so easy for people to obtain guns, especially on the black market (inotherwords, illegally), as well as for people with histories of substance/alcohol abuse, mental health issues and anger-management issues to obtain firearms(one just has to not be a felon, or not have a criminal record.), many more lives would be and would've been saved.

Blame the NRA, the Gun Lobby, and the fact that various lawmakers, from our Presidents on down, have not had the gumption to stand up to the bullying tacts of the NRA and the Gun Lobby and enact stronger, more affective gun safety and gun control laws.


" Without a doubt, he would have found a way to slaughter as many as possible without using the gun. Timothy McVeigh did....using fertilizer."

No he wouldnt , he'd have scaled his plans down , run a couple of people over , shot one with one barrel of a shotgun , and himself with the other .

The fact that in the US you can buy as may AR15s as you want made as easy for him to do that as it is for you and me when playing GTA.

That said , I'm all for you American's right to arm yourselves , because , basically , It's too late.
The country is swamped with weapons , and 50% of the population will die defending their right to own them. You could never get rid of them , so if i lived there i'd expect to be able to legally own one because the criminals with sure as hell have one.


well said


Excellent post, jackrt! Your points are well said...and well taken, to boot. Keep up the good work!



“Obviously there's going to be criminals who will obtain guns illegally, does that mean every gun should be legal and everyone should just get one or even multiple? no.”

Point on for your first part of comment; disagree with the second part. Except for fully automatic need for them as they are less accurate. Only for thrill seekers or for mass murderers. As for the last part, I don’t care how many weapons a lawful gun collector has, a hunter has. We do have that thing called the 2nd Amendment. I was raised in a home with a multiple collection. I never touched them.

“There should still be strict gun control policies in place, including thorough tests before obtaining a gun and then further tests every so often.”

There are strict gun control policies in place. I did have to take a course to get my CWP. I did have to have a background check and a waiting period before purchasing my weapon. My fingerprints are in a national data base and my purchase of another weapon in another state was entered into the system.
My current state where I reside is an Open Carry State. Odd thing though I have yet to see someone other than LE have a weapon hanging off their belt! Women do not have to have a permit to carry a weapon inside their handbag. Personally I believe anyone who wishes to carry a concealed weapon should have to take a course and be fingerprinted. But, where I am in disagreement with you is your belief “further tests” are needed. When all of the above procedures are completed, that belief of yours is stepping on my toes and my Rights! Again we have this thing called the 2nd Amendment.
