MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's with all of the ads?

What's with all of the ads?

Hello all:

It's been a while since I've been here but I have noticed one thing. Quite a few advertisements within the boards and on the site itself. Do the ads generate revenue for Jim and/or his site? Keep in mind that I'm fine with a few ads. I'm just asking this out of curiosity. Thanks all!


I guess the ads replaced the "donation" button that used to be on this site. I just noticed that it disappeared (I'm not a quick observer lol)


There's a contribution link on the bottom of the page.


Thanks for the heads up on that, wheelin176! I was trying to find the contribution section myself.


I don't think so...i only get romanian ads.


I constantly see Anton Yelchin's face popping up in those ads at the bottom. So sad.


I keep seeing Brendan Fraser's, with the caption "Why Hollywood Won't Cast These Actors Anymore." Yet he had a great part in The Affair.


If you check it out, he probably won't even be in the list. I learned that the hard way...


Oh, ha! Not surprised.


The bottom ads are just clickbait trash. The top ones are usually something related to my recent searches. Like if I was looking at shoes on Amazon, I see the exact same shoes on the top ads.


Hm, that doesn't seem to be the case with me. I just had a sushi ad and now there's one about "emailmarketing". No idea how they are related to my recent searches.


Thanks for all of your input everyone. I have AdBlock Plus but it appears that even Adblock is no match for these ads. I'm going to guess that Jim and his team could be earning revenue based off how many ads are clicked on per minute, hour, day, etc.


jim did mention he is experimenting with the placement, size, etc of the ads, so what you're seeing now may not be permanent.


Yeah it's not really a huge deal to me either. I have two adblockers on my browser which generally filter out a good amount of unwanted content anyway. For a while, AdBlock Plus wasn't compatible with Firefox, so I downloaded another one called "Ultimate Adblocker" which works great. It looks, however, that AdBlock Plus has since updated their extension as it now seems to be blocking ads again.


I even started getting pop up ads that my browser automatically blocks.


I noticed, too, bothered me a bit with all the clickbait crap. But it really started pissing me off with the constant images of IT movie. One time, there were THREE of them at the bottom of a thread. I cannot bear to look at that creepy thing. Not a horror fan. I hope the shelf-life of this stupid movie ends soon bc it's really intrusive.


Funny enough, as I just replied to this post, I also just received that IT ad too. The one titled "What the Cast of 'It' Should Really Look Like". I've seen those IT related ads more than once lately on this site.


Hi, fellow not a horror fan! It's so rare to see a movie buff that is not a fan of the horror genre.


There are SOME I like, but they are usually mild. ("Alien" for one - still like that one.) Even watched first 2 seasons of American Horror Story ("Don't MAKE me kill you again.") But that got too disgustingly gross so had to quit. No severed body parts for me or torture scenes, thank you. I'm ok with foreboding scares - what's gonna jump out at me - but cannot abide by grossness like severed body parts, vomit coming out of eyes, etc. Blech.


Ha! Right now, at the bottom, is "7 Horror Movie Scenes That Went Too Far" - not clicking it.


" I hope the shelf-life of this stupid movie ends soon bc it's really intrusive."

I really hate to break this to you, but there is a chapter two. That movie is in the works as I type.


It was a 4 hour mini series if I remember correctly.


Yes. The 1990 miniseries was a four hour two night broadcast.
This newest 2017 adaptation of the book is only part of the story. This has been planned to be a two parter for a long time.


"I really hate to break this to you, but there is a chapter two."

Aaaaaaa!!!! Now that's a horror!


I asked this same question too a while ago. Supposedly the ads are just generated through third party sites. Don't know if those ads have any real relations with this site or not. The ones I received on the bottom are clickbait garbage with tabloid titles. The longer one I received on the top will generate ordinary ads for products and insurances.


I get streaming services ads - amazon prime/cbs/shudder/sundance/tcm/some christian one
