MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Man, fuck IMDB.

Man, fuck IMDB.

Seriously, fuck 'em. They've demonstrated beyond all reasonable doubt that they don't give a shit about their 'community' or the thoughts of the large numbers of registered users who have kept their business afloat for years, even decades in some cases. Thirteen years of my content, gone. Flushed down the pan in a matter of seconds without a second thought.
Same story for everybody else, and even without the personal aspect I'd be P.O.'d at the colossal bonfire of cultural and sociological history that's been done today. And for what reason? Some meaningless marketing guff that's a weak attempt at covering up the fact that Amazon, champion of corporate greed ordered the boards erased. Pathetic. I would apologise for the swear words but frankly in this context I believe a lot more would be warranted.


Frak them that pissed me off and I wont use them again!Not even a thankyou for all the good years and blam they cut ya off!I say no use for IMDumba forever Take that!And I know those bastards probably followed us.


a bunch of heartless, soulless corporate assholes


Yep. All those years gone just like that.


I'm never coming back there either, they've completely disregarded all of the boards users for no reason in a very stupid and coward way


Fuck Bezos.


So true.

It really pisses me off that they closed the boards before midnight. They could really care less about people that have used their website for over a decade. I deleted my account. I probably won't use IMDB again even if they bring the boards back. They did this the wrong way.


I agree. My entire reason for even going to that site was always, always the message boards. It is THE reason I even enjoyed the site at all....


What a bunch of morons they are! And complete f*cking a**holes too!

They had what EVERY website wants - tons of members who visit the site out of their own volition (without being redirected by ads from other sites), who add content and were loyal to the site.

Instead of finding a way to deal with the problems (which every site faces when the membership runs into millions), they chose to heartlessly shut down what was a culturally significant corner of the internet that allowed movie lovers to connect, so they can discuss films and TV shows.

If you're on FB, please BOMB every single post of theirs with a FU message or similar, so their idiotic plan of trying to divert the conversations to their FB page will fail miserably. I want to Lucille whoever's responsible for this incredibly stupid and unbelievable gesture :( :(
