MovieChat Forums > LGBT Film > Gayest performance of the Hayes era?

Gayest performance of the Hayes era?

Has anyone ever seen a gay actor playing an overtly gay character in a movie from the Hayes era? I've seen a lot of old movies, and I didn't think that there was such a performance. Then I saw Clifton Webb in THE RAZORS EDGE and was amazed at how blatantly he played a gay character. He even mentions that he's "not an ordinary man" while passing a cocktail glass to a friend limp-wristed. Did any other actor push the envelope on gayness during this era?


Laughton, Sign Of The Cross
Lorre, Maltese Falcon


I'll have to check out Laughton, but Lorre's performance was MUCH more subtle than Webb's. I don't think he was gay in real life, either. (Was he?)


I don't believe so. His performance was subtle, but it left no doubt


Webb might as well be wearing a flashing neon sign. Note the 1:23 mark of this two-minute clip.
